20. hair

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nah because i actually feel so bad for y'all apparently i have fans omg so heres a story. Perhaps ill disappear for months after this, perhaps not. Who knows! Anyways this is the brothers reactions after you dye your hair a CRAZY color like neon pink neon green neon blue that kind of stuff. We'll ignore the fact that they themselves have the craziest hair colors (except for stanley and lucipussy).

1. Lucifer
He really wouldn't like it. He's an elegant, luxurious kind of man. Wearing an expensive red Dior outfit/dress/suit while having neon green hair isn't his ideal imagination. However he does like you, and therefor, he'll support it. Even if you couldn't wear an expensive red Dior outfit/dress/suit, perhaps a pink Channel one would compliment your hair. As long as your happy, mans okay with it. Just don't surprise him like thats again...

2. Mammon
so down for it!! He himself has white hair with blonde highlights so he loves it. Even if his is natural and yours isn't, its all crazy hair!! He loves now having a partner! „Woah!! Mc, whaddya do with ya hair??? It looks good! Neon pink, nice! Next time let me know tho, so we can dye it together!"

3. Leviathan
Loves. It. Youre basically an anime Mc now, thats literally what the only thing you were missing to becoming one! „OMG! MC!! YOU LOOK JUST LIKE RURI CHAN WITH THAT PINK HAIR!!" yeah now you have to cosplay as his favorite characters with that hair color...

4. Satan
Similar to Lucifer, he's not a big fan. But, again, he also loves you so he would support it. Besides, its kinda cool. You look more like a rebel now, now you both match. He has the rebellious personality, you the looks!

5. Asmodeous
He wouldn't know what to think. Its a bit out of place for you to dye your hair neon blue, however you can wear cute outfits, stand out and a lot of things so that he does like! Honestly depending on your reaction. If you yourself think that it looks horrible, he would agree. If you love it, he agrees!

6. Beelzebub
does not care. Is surprised, likes it if you,m do, doesn't if you don't. Really basic im sorry but like what more could beel possibly say

7. Belphegor
He supports! You look like a funky pillow lolol he finds it very cute. When you just got out of bed and your pink hair is looking crazy, that'd be his favorite hairstyle

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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