12. Famous MC?

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let's say in the human world, you were famous. You were as famous as Ariana Grande or sum. You just told the brothers, and this is their reaction

1. Lucifer

he'd be surprised, but only a bit. He had heard you sing along to his recordings and recognized the talent you have. Still, he's amazed that you have such a reputation in the Human world and he is proud of you.

2. Mammon

He's surprised because he never realized. He had heard you sing a few times when you sung along to a song, but he had never realized it was your career. When he found out he went crazy and asked how u didn't tell him immediately!?!? Like, how!!!??? He immediately grabbed a pen and a paper and asked you to sign it. He could sell that for a ton of money on ebay!! (not dbay, since demons wouldn't be interested in that, but humans would.) He'd use u for autographs but he'd secretly be super happy and proud because like a scumbag like him managed to get someone like u??? Oh wow...

3. Leviathan

He would scream. "Y-YOU'RE FAMOUS IN THE HUMAN WORLD!? THATS SO COOL!! YOU WERE A POPSTAR???? TELL ME YOUR ARTIST NAME, ILL LISTEN TO ALL OF YOUR SONGS!!!" Everytime you sung along to a song he'd immediately start blushing. When he remembers that ur famous and he managed to be with someone like you, he'd blush so badly because of how happy he is.

4. Satan

He wouldn't be surprised at all. He had known. This man, is like Lucifer. He likes listening to music. What's different about him though is that he likes to listen to human world music. He has heard of you, because you're so important in the music industry. He's not really into your music but he still respects you A LOT and is amazed by your reputation

5. Asmodeus

He'd die. He'd start screaming like crazy!! "O.M.D.!!!! YOURE FAMOUS!!! THATS SOOOOO AMAZING!!! LET'S LISTEN TO YOUR SONGS!! TELL ME, WERE YOU RICH? DID U CHANGE STYLISTS OFTEN? DID U HOLD CONCERTS OFTEN? TELL ME MC~!!!!" He'd want to know everything about your life and how they'd do your make up and style you and blabla

6. Beelzebub

He'd be surprised. He's not that into music but he's still suprised by your talent and reputation. "so you get to eat out a lot? Like, when you have important matters to discuss you go eat dinner, right?"

7. Belphegor

He'd be surprised too. "mm.. I guess you do have a pretty voice... You should sing me lullaby then... go on, I can't sleep..." (he actually can but he just wants to compliment you indirectly and just wants to hear + appreciate your voice lol)

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