13. school

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How I think the brothers would act up/ behave in class (like, not RAD, but like human school yk)

Btw, sorry for not posting y'all!!!! I was sick and really hooked on the event treasure I really wanted the cat Butler satan background but never got it💔

1. Lucifer
He'd be a perfect student. He'd have amazing grades, amazing attitude, amazing everything. He'd be loved but also feared by everyone. They just hate how much of a perfect student he is, but on the other hand he helps them with literally everything. Everyone has a love-hate relationship with Lucifer.

2. Mammon
He'd be called to the principals office almost daily. Mainly for cracking open lockers and stealing money/anything of value or skipping classes. Lucifer scold him but that's it. His grades would be okay depending on the subject. But there is nothing better than a C.

3. Leviathan
He would be caught using his phone once a week. Ofcourse, he'd use it all the time, but would only get caught once a week. They take away his phone and he simply pops up the second one and continues using that. This man has 3 phones he brings with him to school daily. His grades would be surprisingly good but only because he's a great cheater. In class he'd be terrible but in exams great. The teachers defenitly got suspicious but never caught him cheating.

4. Satan
Lucifer 2.0. Satan is class rep, no doubt. His grades would also be amazing. He'd be better than Lucifer but only slightly. (He'd still brag about it). If Lucifer says something in class, Satan always disagrees. Even if it's right, Satan will pull up arguments that make sense. Still, Lucifer was right, but Satan just wanted to try to prove him wrong. There were times where Lucifer was wrong and Satan was actually right when he disagreed, but not as often as when Lucifer was right.

5. Asmodeus
He'd be the school f-boy. I mean, it's canon that he constantly makes people fall for him. He'd be the cute f-boy, yk? Probably did the deed with a teacher for a better grade. His grades would be decent, but there would be subjects where he would be terrible. But mostly, decent.

6. Beelzebub
He'd hang mainly at the cafeteria with Belphegor. He'd just eat most of the food. He'd try to pay attention in class but wouldn't understand anything either way, poor boy. He'd get tutored by Satan at home so his grades wouldn't be as terrible. He has, well, ok grades. Mainly C's but there would be one or two subjects with a B

7. Belphegor
He'd sleep in class. Sometimes he'd fall asleep at the cafeteria with Beel and after Beel tried to wake him up multiple times and he didn't wake up, Beel left him there (with a guilty feeling) and he eventually skipped class accidentally. He'd get scolded by teachers for sleeping in class/ skipping class. Somehow, his grades would be actually okay like he'd get home get the notes from Beel, read them once and then he'd memorized and understood everything. I hc that he's actually really smart. Like, the way he tricked us in the attic, etc. needed someone with brains, and he def got that. So, I feel like he'd get grades like B's and C's and nothing lower than a C, surprisingly.

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