10. Goodbye, forever.

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how I think the brothers would act after finding out you have died/ after your death

1. Lucifer

he wouldn't believe the news. No way. The person who had told him must have been lying to him. He'd attack the person who had told him the news and ask why they are lying (yes even Diavolo) once calmed down hed ask for the cause of death, when you died and your corpse. He rushes to his room and breaks down in tears. He does not want to be seen crying so he ran to his room. He'd be crursing, crying and yelling the whole time just letting his emotions take hold of him (and then satan 2.0 was born). After your death, He's the coldest He's ever been. No sign of any emotion. He's not getting mad agt Mammon, annoyed by Satan no nothing. He's in his room the while time, just like Levi. Ofcourse, he leaves for necessary stuff but in his free time He's in his room (staring at a picture of you).

2. Mammon

"quit the joke, bro. That shi ain't funny." "I-It's not a joke.. Were sorry to inform you that MC has passed away.." "I said QUIT THE ACT!" and then when he realizes its really not an act He'd go silent and just silently start crying. He'd ask for all the details. Cause of death, time of death, everything. Once he got every detail, he'd ask to see the corpse. When he sees your corpse he would move your hair out of your face while crying the whole time and saying "you don't look dead, you still look beautiful". After your death, literally nothing makes him happy. No matter how much money he had managed to steal, he doesn't know on what or who to spend it. He continues to do the things that make him him (gambling, stealing, etc.) but it doesn't make him happy like it used to. Nothing will.

3. Leviathan

He wouldn't believe it. He'd ask if they're sure and once they say yes and tell him all the details, he would just go silent and go back to his room. He would lie down in his bathtub, making himself really small and just think of everything you two did together and everything you did for him. He eventually would break down in tears and I feel like his anxiety would grow even bigger and he'd fall into heavy depression (ofc everyone else does too but YK in his case.. Its different..). Him leaving his room before your death was rare, but now, it isn't even rare. It doesn't even happen anymore. He just wants to be alone, with his anime. So he can't meet someone knew and let history repeat itself.

4. Satan

"what? is this a joke? Its an unfunny joke, don't joke like that." "I-its not a joke, sir satan.. Were sorry to inform you that MC has unfortunately passed away..." "what..? Repeat that." "M-MC has passed away.." "no, that's not true. Quit lying." "s-sir, unfortunately, im not-" and then satan would just beat the crap out of that person and scream at them for continuing to lie. Once calmed down and heard all the details, he has no choice but to believe it. He is sad. And when he's sad, He's angry. He's unapproachable after your death. he won't even bother putting on his fake scary smile. He's just angry, all the time. He visits your grave often and says something like "I hate that you loved me/ I hate that I love you" "why did you have to save me and then leave me?"

5. Asmodeus

He would immediately believe it. He's usually somewhat skeptical, but for some reason he just believes it. Hed burst out in tears, asking to see you. When he sees your corpse hed cry ans say even dead you still look cute im his eyes. after your death his personality becomes fake. He tries hist best to become even more perfect. I mean, he has to make up for all the love he lost when you died, right? No. He can't. No matter how many people love him, its not like when it was you. And that'll make him even more sad, cry even more, ruin his make up even more, fix it even more, be even more fake. Its a never ending, traumatizing circle.

6. Beelzebub

he would be in shock. "what...? MC...died...?" And then his stomach would just make sounds. He wasn't hungry, but your love had filed something inside him. Now that it was gone, He's hungrier than ever. He's constantly in his demon form, asking for more food. He's still a sweet person, but less than he used to be. He visits your grave frequently and just places flowers there thinking "at least they're safe in the celestial realm with simeon and luke now..."

7. Belphegor

"really? mission successful lol"

jk yall.. Im sorry..

7. Belphegor

he wouldn't believe it. "don't lie to me, I warn you." and when he finds out its the truth, he cries too much. His eyes start to burn ans he can't sleep. Eventually, he'll keep getting dreams of you, so he stays awake. He now has insomnia and can't sleep at all. Since he's the avatar of sloth, He's still pretty lazy. But he can't sleep. He'll just lay down and cry, lay down and think abt u, etc. Lazy, but not sleepy.

obey me headcanons!!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ