15. pets!!

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U wanted a pet and told the brothers. This is their reaction!!

1. Lucifer
You wanted a dog, and he was a bit confused. You had a big huge three headed dog at home.. but, when you promised to take good care of him and wouldn't stop nagging, he gave in. When he saw him he immediately fell inlove. While working, the dog would often lay on his lap and he'd love it. He'd use the dog as an excuse to stop working and go on a walk with you and him. „The dog wants to go on a walk, do you want to accompany me?"

2. Mammon
You wanted a bird and he was like confused because they don't do anything. But then he saw a deviltok of someone teaching a bird how to steal money and he immediately bought one and tried teaching it. He tried his best and he thought it didn't work but sometimes the bird comes back with a coin in its mouth and Mammon feels like a proud dad.

3. Leviathan
You wanted a lizard, and he was confused because you guys already had a goldfish but he didn't mind. He wanted to name him Henry 3.0 but when u gave him a „no way." look he dropped the idea. He often accidentally lets him out of the cage and then he panics and searches for him. But he still loves him a lot and finds him hella cute.

4. Satan
You wanted a cat, because you were just as obsessed with them as he was. Ofcourse, his answer was yes, no hesitation. You guys got the cat, and he asked if he could name it. He asked so cutely he just had to say yes. He named it Sherlock (like the detective yk) and you guys love it. He loves the cat a lot, and he loves the fact that you like it too even more. He loves to watch a drama with you while the cat lays on his lap and you guys pet it. He just loves everything about it because it's also like a little family!!!

5. Asmodeus
You wanted a bunny, and honestly he loved the idea. He posts him a lot on his devilgram and sometimes just sits and adores him. You guys have a Snow White bunny and he secretly has a Fan Account for him on devilgram where he just posts cute pics of the rabbit. His name is probably mr. Waffles or sum

6. Beelzebub
You wanted a hamster and he was okay with it but he had no idea what hamsters eat and what they like. Eventually, you both researched what they need and then got one. Beel really likes him especially when he's eating and his cheeks are full because it reminds him of himself a little bit and he can't help but laughing

7. Belphegor
You wanted a turtle and he was okay with it, since they're easy to deal with and don't need too much attention. He loves feeding it and watching how it slowly reaches its head out and takes a bite. But that's pretty much it, he doesn't do anything more than feed it. He loves watching you play with it, though.

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