11. nap

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how I think the brothers would react if you fall asleep while leaning on them or smth

1. Lucifer

He'd gently smile while not moving an inch. He won't wake u up. He'll just wait. He will stop whatever He's doing (which will stress him even more later but that's okay) and he will just sit there, stare at you dreamily and dream about your future.

2. Mammon

He'd panic on the inside while trying to hide it on the outside. Because, if he shows it, he'll move, and he doesn't wanna risk waking you up. Eventually, he'll pull out his D.D.D. and do something while trying not to move. Every few minutes he will look at you and smile and blush just being his silly goofy self that he can't show when ur awake

3. Leviathan

WHAT??THIS IS HAPPENING TO HIM??? REALLY??? THIS SOUNDS STRAIGHT OUT OF AN ANIME!!! His soul would leave his body for a few moments then when he's his conscious self again He'd try not to move although its hard because he rages a lot when he plays games

4. Satan

He'd smile calmly after giving you a forehead kiss and continuing reading his book. (He's used to not moving and staying calm and stuff because he had cats fall asleep on his lap and people with cats will understand lol)

5. Asmodeus

He'd grab out his D.D.D., snap a pic, and then post it everywhere!!! "look at my cute MC!! #cute #love #human" but he'd eventually accidentally wake u up and apologize sm while crying

6. Beelzebub

He'd just carry you to your room the whole time staring at your face noticing details he never noticed before. "huh, MC has pretty eyelashes..." Once arrived to your room, he will gently place you on your bed an wish you goodnight.

7. Belphegor

"Okay let's try killing them again this time they wont return"


He'd just smile and think "hm, I should take a nap with them too.." As he closes his eyes and falls asleep next to you.

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