5. unworthy.

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you and the brothers are at a party and u spot ur ex. You tell the brother that that's your ex, as they walk up to you, to greet you. This is the brother's reactions...

1. Lucifer

death stare. He will just stare at him, deadly, then hold his hand out and say "Lucifer, Avatar of Pride. Im sure you've heard of me. I'm MC's new Partner, pleasure to meet you (no not actually a pleasure u worthless piece of shit)" and ur ex would shake his hand in fear. Never approached you again after that.

2. Mammon

He'd look at him and then make a disgusted face and say "them? Really? Well I'm glad ya learned your lesson and didn't date worthless trash like that again... Instead, you're with me. The great Mammon. Oh right, you don't know, do ya? Im MC's new boyfriend. Ya know, mammon, avatar of greed, second born of the seven rulers of hell. Just sayin, ya're sum trash." Ur ex would freak out and they'd start to fight. Mammon surprisingly wins.

3. Leviathan

he was more insecure than mad. But don't get me wrong, he was still mad. When ur ex came up he barely even talked. But, after that, u had to comfort hum and reassure him that u like him much more than that moron.

4. Satan

He would smile at him and be like "Hello, im Satan. MC's new partner. Nice to meet you." He will then give him scary looks until he eventually walks away and never approaches you again.

5. Asmodeus

Asmo doesn't hate ur ex cuz he too has a lot of exs who also are toxic (ahem ahem lesson 7) so he just has a normal chit chat with them lol. But he'd keep on being touchy and kissing you until they walk away

6. Beelzebub

confusion. He'd be confused why they're here. "MC I thought you guys broke up, why is he talking to you?" and your ex would be scared. Because, come on, let's face it. A big, strong, demon that you don't know is a huge softie says that to you. you'd shit ur pants don't lie 2 me. So after ur ex walks away nervously n beel is even more confused you burst out laughing.

7. Belphegor

I feel like Belphegor would straight up threaten him. Just a threat, without a fake smile, or death stare, just "stay away from MC or you'll pay. And don't you dare underestimate me, ill make your life hell, trust me on that one."

obey me headcanons!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora