8. Who are you again?

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you've hit your head and now you have amnesia. You don't remember anyone, nor where you are. You remember the basics (name, last name, age) but have no clue where you are or who these, apparently demons, are. This is the brothers reactions..

1. Lucifer

He would just stare at you. Asking if you remember him. Once you say no, he wil explain everything. The basics. "You're an exchange student in Devildom. You are living with us, the seven rulers of hell. I am the oldest, Lucifer. Avatar of Pride. ..." He will then look at you after explaining and ask if you forgot everything, even everything you two had. When you apologize and say yes, you can see his heart shatter and his ruby eyes try to hold back tears. When you ask him to help you remember him, because you want to know more about him and your relationship with him, he will get hope again and start working with you.

2. Mammon

"Quit the act, MC! Don't act stupid on me, that's a pretty lame joke!" When he sees your confused look and that you really don't know him, he will start to panic. "I-I'm- Me! I'm the Great Mammon! second born of the seven rulers of hell, avatar of greed! You know, your Mammoney! You don't remember me?" When you shake your head and apologize, he will start crying and cursing. When you ask him to help you regain your memories because you want to know more bout him and your relationship with him, he will wipe away his tears, and sniff a bit, then go "o-ofcourse the generous and kind Mammon will help you... You should feel honored, ya know...!"

3. Leviathan

"Y-you forgot everything? E-e-even me?" you nod your head and apologize. Then he goes "n-no don't worry about it.. Its not your fault.. Besides, its probably creeping you out.. An unknown demon telling you that its him and you should remember him... sounds like straight out of an anime... That's right! Anime! You still know what Anime is, right? W-w-w-we... We have an anime that we watch together... We could rewatch it, maybe it helps you regain your memory..!" Once he says that, and you reply with "that's cute" he will go on muttering whole blushing but secretly he is relieved that you haven't changed.

4. Satan

Satan would just stare at you, and ask you if you don't remember anything about him, nothing. When you tell him you have no clue who he is, he will sit down with you and explain everything you had. "this is a book that we bought together. Your favorite part was where the best friend dies" "hey don't spoiler me!" "technically you already know but i get your point, sorry. A-anyways, this is my cat. His name is Halloween. You gave him that name after we found him together in the park. Why we were in the park together you may ask? Because we were on a date." You'd blush and look away and ask if he's sure you were on a date with him because he's "out of your league". He'd sigh and say that your still the MC he fell in love with. (I love this man way too much)

5. Asmodeus

he'd try to hold his tears back but eventually fail. He'd pull out a foto album of you two and show you everything you've done together. Spa trips, getting your nails done, shopping trips, he has pics of everything and he'd show them to you. "look, I look really good in that pic! I mean, we were in the cafe that day! We both ordered hot chocolate and I remember you got that little white moustache because of the cream on top, hehe~ <3"

6. Beelzebub

"MC, it's me, Beelzebub." Once you tell him you don't remember him, and don't know anyone by that name, he'd go on and tell you about all the stuff you did together "you tried to protect me from my brother who was really mad at me. You could have died." When you ask him to tell you the whole story, and he explains everything you've been through you decide to visit your favorite restaurant, hoping that also helps.

7. Belphegor

"you don't remember me? I'm the one who was locked up in the attic. You saved me and then I killed you." When you give him a surprised look, back off a bit, and tell him to tell you the whole story, he does. And, you're just sitting there awkwardly with him, as he hugs you, apologizes and promises to his best to help you get your memories back so you can be your old self again.

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