3. little details

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here are some little things I think the brothers do

1. Lucifer

- while working, he'd put on your favorite song or a song that reminds him of you, so he isn't as stressed. He never turns the song in the middle of it off, he'd just wait for it to end, thinking about you, then turn it off, and get up.

-gift you a lot of accessories. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings, he'd give you so many expensive ones. And when you wear them to an occasion with him (like meeting up with Diavolo) he'd be super happy but keep his cool and say something like "I see you're wearing the necklace I gave you. Im glad to see you like it. Perhaps I should get you more..."

- bring up Lillith a bit too much :( he doesn't realize it makes you sad. He thinks of it as a compliment, you being like his only sister, you being like someone he loved a lot... Sometimes he'd go like "Lillith also loved blablabla..." And you'd just go silent and say something like "oh..."

2. Mammon

- treat you. He's broke but when it comes to you, he'd rob a bank just to treat you. He'd try to take you to expensive restaurants to look good but when you decline and say you'd rather just go to a simple restaurant like Hells kitchen he'd be super relieved and be like "really!? I-I mean, whatever ya want, I couldn't care less..."

- stealing. He loves stealing stuff with you. Its like a little adventure and its so much more fun with you. Especially when you get caught and you both run off. Ofcourse, he'd prefer to get away with it, but him holding your hand while running away and looking for a place to hide? Super cute. he especially loves it when you then start laughing and say something like"oh crap, levis so mad sjfhsiwk!!!" He'd join you, start laughing too, and say "I mean technically we helped him, ya know? Helped him leave his room!"

- steal money from you :( as much as he loves spending it on you, sometimes when you're not noticing, he grabs a bit of cash from your purse. It would never be too much, and it rarely happens, but if you're ever suddenly short on cash, you know where it went

3. Leviathan

-talk with you. since you both are otakus, you both talk a lot about your favorite games together. You exchange every opinion about every character. He loves that so much because finally, someone gets him. Finally, he can talk to a real person about it!!!

-drawing. He loves holding drawing sessions with you!! Even of you're not good at it, he'd love for you guys just to sit down and draw one of your favorite characters!

-miss your dates :( he'd sometimes be busy gaming so he's forget all about your dates. You'd come back home, all dressed up after waiting for him for a few hours, you ask him where he's been, and after seeing you dressed like that, he'd look at his calendar and see that he wrote down that you two had a date today and go like: "I'm so sorry mc!!!! Please please please forgive me!! I totally forgot, I didn't mean too!! Its okay if you hate me now... I deserve it, after all, im just a shut in otaku...." And you'd just sigh and say "its okay, doesn't matter anymore..."

4. Satan

-dates. He loves to take you out on dates, especially beautiful places. Cat cafes, parks, libraries, he loves visiting these places, but even more, with you!!

-watching dramas. Its canon that he watches dramas and even human ones, and loves to rant about them. So, naturally, he loves when you two watch a drama together and exchange opinions! (bonus: when he finds out you think a character is cool, he tries to behave like them)

-canceling plans :( as much as he loves going out with you, he does have to cancel a few times. He's a well known demon who is often busy. He's always heart broken when he has to cancel on you and he would always do it too late. He'd be like: "hey mc, don't bother getting dressed, im going to have to cancel our plans, im sorry..."

5. Asmodeu

-Dancing with you. At parties, he loves to dance and drink the night away. He will dance with you the whole time!! And if you get tired, he'll continue dancing and he loves when you cheer him on

-painting nails. He loooooooves having this chit chat with you about all the tea around the house whilst painting your nails. And, if you don't like painting your nails, you can help him paint his!!

-steals the spotlight :( he won't let you shine, he always wants to shine with you. If someone is complimenting you, he'll go like "awww so true! But, not as ___ as me!!" And it often makes u sad :(

6. Beelzebub

-eat your food!! As in, eat food that you like/made. When you're not there, he'll look at it and be like "hmm.. This is mc's favorite food. Its not my favorite but its still good. The fact that its mc's makes it taste... ...better."

-cuddles!!!!!!!!!!! u and him, cuddling 24/7. That's it, that's the hc.

-eat ur food pt.2 :( eat your food but this time, as in, when you're not eating fast enough he will take it as his task to finish your food, even if you're not done. Then he'll say something like "oh sorry, did you want to eat that..?"

7. Belphegor

- lazy hugs!! He'd just hug u from behind when you're getting ready because u got up before him. He'd just wrap his arms around your stomach and go "mornin..." Or if you guys are out and he'd catch someone staring He'd also give u a lazy hug from behind. Basically surprise lazy hugs from them back

-style ur hair. He loves it to play with your hair. Even if its short, he'd just stroke it or brush it. He loves playing with your hair while you lay on his lap but he loves it more when you play with his hair.

-scare u :( he sometimes would just do a move like a choking move or something like not actually touching u or hurting you its just a joke but he'd make rferences to ahem ahem lesson 16 and you would flinch away rom him and he'd regret it immediately..

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