Dishes (short image)

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"Ahh fuck I'm late." I ran into the kitchen to see my loving husband eating a toaster strudel. "Hey baby." He mumbled with a mouth full pecking me on the lips. "Hey..." I spoke back but slowly got quiet when I saw all the dishes in the sink. "Um? You gon clean the dishes right." I turned towards him. He scrunched up his face and rolled his eyes before stating a sly "No.". "Why not?" I crossed my arms glaring at him. "Because it's a women's job." He pointed towards me.

Hol up, hol up, hol up. What the hell? One I don't know who the fuck he got that from. Two I don't know who the fuck he THINK he talking to cuz hunty I ain't the one.

I shook my head taking off my earrings. "Um can you say that one more time Justin I don't think I heard what you said clearly." I stepped closer to him. "It's a women's job. Therefore do your job woman."

Oh hell naw.

"Oh Imma do my job alright Imma shove my foot so far up yo stupid ass." I said squaring up. I was little but I had a mean slap. I hit him straight across the face and brought him to the ground. I got on top of him grabbing the collar of his shirt bringing his head closer to me so it was easier to get at. "You." Slap. "Gon." Slap. "Learn." Slap. "Today" Slap Slap.

I got up off of him straightening my blazer. I watched him groan in pain as I put on my earrings. "Get off the damn floor and wash the got damn dishes." He got up faster than humanly possible and ran the water for the dishes. I walked out grabbing an apple. "Better be happy we didn't have any damn grits."

[Authors Corner]

This was just something stupid I wrote while in bed in Vegas. (whoop whoop). It was meant to be ratchetly funny.
😂😂 anyway...

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