Love Has No Color

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You and Justin have been dating for a couple of months now. He's been wanting to come out about you guys' relationship but you're just not ready for all the attention...
"Aye Whitney! Guess what!" A wide smile Justin yelled while barging into your bedroom. "What's up?" "I've been nominated for 2 Grammys for the Journals album." He kissed your cheek making you giggle and the butterflies flutter. "Babe that's great!" "It would be even better if you came with me to the award show." Your smile dropped immediately. It's not that you didn't want to go with Justin it's just you didn't want to put yourself in that position to be hurt. "Justin. Please." You held your hand up. "Why don't you want to go?" "because." "Because why?" "Because I'm black." He looked at you as if he didn't understand. "So what if your black?" "I'd get judged for being with you Justin. I'm not ready to be in the spotlight and to feel the hate." You looked down. "Listen Whitney. I will never EVER let anyone degrade you." He held my chin up so we were eye level. "Your perfect to me and that's all that matters. Black, White, Asian, or Mexican, I could careless I fell in love with you. Love has no color."

Justin Bieber Interracial ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora