Too Much At Risk:

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Given the diversity of Skyriver, unique species have been and will be discovered. However, there had not been a species as controversial as the Yuuzhan Vong. In 7 ABY, these barbaric creatures came to the known part of the universe. Instead of coming in peace, they came in brutality; as technology was, to them, a great sin, their own weapons were living organisms. What was more terrifying was that they lacked Force-sensitivity. No jedi was able to sense them. With these difficult factors, horrific battles lasted for a tense two years.

Thankfully, Master Luke Skywalker and his band of jedis found a way. They would find out that the true leader of the Yuuzhan Vong, Omini, was a Force-wielder due to finding and awakening the dark entity, Abeloth otherwise known as "The Mother". In turn, Abeloth shielded the Vong from the Force along with giving Omini his powers.

While she was powerful, there may have been one way to end her. The key was the. A weapon Luke got when on the planet, Mortis. And, with it, the wicked Mother was destroyed.

The death of Abeloth started a domino effect: after her, it was Omini who was killed, and after him, the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated. While most fled Skyriver, a few decided to stay to make a new home on Yavin 4. Albeit under the New Republic's strict supervision.

Malaman had his own tragic prejudice against the Yuuzhan Vong. But, he knew they'd be the perfect specimens to handle his secret assignment. It was all or nothing.

With his small ship, the Grand Gaspar, Malaman swallowed his seething prejudice and headed into this waste of a planet. And through the Black Guardian's time-warping capabilities, the Grand Gaspar got to Yavin 4 in a flash.

Within the damped, mute-colored caravans, Malaman was directed to dry, gray caverns that held a team of 20 Vongs devouring their latest meal of mush that had been supplied by the New Republic.

"You have some nerve coming here, human.", said a member, Kaliku, "And bringing a cursed vessel with you."

"With all due respect,", Malaman faked a grin, "but-"

"Quit the flattery!", snapped another, Mortune, "Why are you here?"

"To seek help.", said Malaman, "We have our...differences...however, let's look pass it. For now at least. You see, a UFO had just arrived at Coruscant. Orbiting around like a pesky fly. One that I feel the urge to flick away. Help me in that endeavor and you shall be greatly rewarded-under Galactic Restrictions of course."

"Why should we care?", asked Hexe, the group's leader. He had been quietly listening and felt like the leader was bringing forth nothing but pipe dreams mixed with paranoia.

"The UFO,", started Malaman, "appears to be of artificial intelligence. A great offense for you, lot. And once one comes, others follow to invade our planets-yours included. Trust me; three or two generations down the line and I'll be proven right. They'll destroy everything that has been built in this world. You aren't invincible."

"How do we know they will?"

"How do we know they won't?"

By the human's question, the beings looked at each other with contemplation and uncertainty. That's when Malaman knew he got them right where he wanted them.

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