The Star-Crossed Mission:

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   With ice cream cones in hand, The Doctor leads Ace back to their spot in the crowd. This time, the atmosphere differed. Especially with the increased cops and paparazzi about.

"Goodness!", The Doctor's eyes widened, "Only gone for a couple minutes and there's been an uproar."

"Must've been a fight between fans.", Ace guessed.

"Or a stalker being discovered. Hope no one got hurt."

"Alright,", shouted the director to the civilians, "this is an investigation. Unless you know anything about John Chesterton's whereabouts, clear out!"

The people left in disarray and utter confusion. Including the Time duo.

"Poor Chess.", Ace frowned, "You think something's happened?"

"I hope nothing serious.", said The Doctor who chortled, "with these elites, it's probably a fuss over nothing. Lad could've gotten a bite to eat or met with a girlfriend for all we know. Hasn't even been that long."

As much as Ace agreed, she points out, "Well, if I've learned anything from you, it's that a lot can happen in a second."

The Timelord had to agree but became worried.

"A lot can happen...", he thought to himself.

A moment later, they reached the TARDIS. But before actually stepping inside, the contemplative Doctor spoke up, "Ought to check for his whereabouts on the database. While we're still here, would you like to try again with your mother?"

Ace looks back into Perivale's streets and with a series of harsh flashbacks, she spoke with a quiet voice, "Next time. Maybe next time."

The Doctor nodded as they entered the faux police box. There, they are completely taken aback when finding Johnny Chess at the panels. The singer's demeanor was dumbfounded but fascinated at the same time. Jumping, Ace asked,

"What in the world...?! How did you get in here?"

"I have no idea!", admitted Johnny, "all I saw was this guy dressed in white with a silly hat and here I am."

The Doctor's eyes lit up in both shock and familiarity.

"'A silly hat'?", he asked to which Johnny nodded.

"Yeah.", he confirmed, "Looked like a swan I think...Maybe a dove..."

"'A dove'.", The Doctor thought to himself. Noticing the off-putting disposition, both Ave and Johnny asked what was wrong.

"N-Nothing, children.", The Doctor stammered, "It could be a hypothesis of mine., Mr. Chess, you being here may not have been by accident."

"With all due respect, sir,", started Johnny, "But what on earth are you talking about?"

The Doctor was about to start his guessing until it happened. Something peculiar occurred in the TARDIS. It was not long until the three found that the side door was wide open, bestowing gold, angelic light from the outside.

"What the-", Johnny could not finish his astonishment.

"What's happening, Doctor?", asked Ace.

"Don't be afraid...", the Time Lord tells them, "Don't be too afraid; I've met with him before."

"Come in, Doctor.", the majestic, but authorial voice, "Bring your young friends."

The Doctor obeyed even with Ace holding him back.

"Don't worry,", started The Doctor, "We'll be back in one piece."

A reluctant Ace frees her friend to go on this small journey.

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