The Man In White:

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It should have been a friendship among strangers; now, it is dreary. A masacre has claimed hundreds of people. Four innocents have been accused of this tragedy. And now a majestic warrior joins in prayer; for friends' recovery. Not excluding the healing of his student and the rescue of the student's wife. As for the rest of the warrior's companions, they have a mutual hope. But, they find themselves pondering as to what, in this odd dimension, went wrong. They tried to think back to the very beginning. That task was a failure; they were really going back to the middle.

In 1989, a humanoid spoke to his young ward as they set out on their latest journey. Tell her of worlds with burning skies, sleeping seas and dreaming rivers. Worlds where songs build cities and smoke can make life instead of destroy it. Most importantly, worlds plagued with injustice, danger and cold tea.

Truly, there was work to be done, worlds to see and friends to meet. Over the past two years, John "The Doctor" Smith and his young companion, Ace, had their hands full with adventures. Following one excursion, a troubled Ace felt the need to return to her hometown in Perivale. The mission; to see her estranged parent, Audrey.

It had been much too long since mother and daughter had seen each other; an emotional battle was bound to occur from within. The aware Smith was looking from the sidewalk while Ace was right at the ivory door. With a shaking wrist, she contemplated on whether or not to knock. Sensing the anxiety, The Doctor walked to the girl.

"Are you sure you're ready?", he asked kindly, "We can always try another time."

"Yeah, I'm sure...", answered Ace, "Just...gotta suck it up is all..."

Breathing deeply, Ace knocked on the white door. After a moment of silence, a rush of woes came to Ace as the nob tousled from the other side.

Before the homeowner could even reveal herself, Ace dashed away from the house, across the street and around the corner. All while the Time Lord was right behind her. It would not be long until he found her sitting under a tree. Her brown eyes were looking down and didn't even give much attention to her Gallifreyan guardian.

With nothing to say, The Doctor gave a kind beam as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright.", he said, "There's always next time."

Though the youth found comfort in his words, Ace was unable to smile, not even for a millisecond. However, she did thank her old friend for understanding. From this, The Doctor suggested for them to go to the ice cream parlor for some sweets; an offer Ace could not refuse.

On their way, they were astonished to find a mob of curious bystanders crowding around a parking lot.

"That's odd...", started Ace. As someone who grew up in Perivale, she knew all too well that nothing ever happens around town. Almost nothing; Perivale is not free of strange happenings.

"You'd think there'd been an accident?", she inquired, "There's a lot of ambulances there.-I even see a cop."

"I doubt it.", The Doctor observed, "Otherwise he'd make the people move to give the paramedics room."

The two got closer for a better look and found themselves embedded among folks who wore decorative shirts, headbands and elaborate posters in their hands. Curiouser and curiouser, The Doctor asked one crew member what the commotion was.

"Didn't you hear?", said a girl, "Johnny Chess is making a music video here!"

"I thought those shirts looked familiar!", Ace gasped at the revelation, "Got one from a concert of his."

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