This Minute:

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Ryu Lazerwolf arrived home, which was not at the temple but within the Uscru District. Once inside, he was shocked to find a young lady in the living room. The girl was lounging on the couch with her pet mupple, Mop-Top. The two were watching the holovid when the girl immediately noticed Ryu. Rising from her seat, she happily greeted him, "Hey, you!"

"Xenia?", he laughed as he rushed to embrace her, "I didn't know you'd be back here."

"We did dress rehearsals early.", Xenia explained, "Took a couple tries but I think we got it down."

"Better have.", chuckled Ryu, "Madame's been driving you guys nuts for-how long?"

With shared folly, Xenia replied, "I know. But that's what practice is for."

"But wait a sec, what about your repairs?", Ryu raised a brow knowing instrument mending is her second profession. Albeit, an unpaid one as it was more of a hobby.

"Don't worry,", Xenia started, "Master Kestis's hallikset's been fixed within an hour."

"I thought you said it'd take three hours."

"I...", a guilty Xenia looked around, "...may have exaggerated...", she said with a cheeky grin.

"Lies, Mrs. Lazerwolf!", mocked Ryu, "Lies!"

"I got a reputation to consider.", the cheeky Xenia defended herself, "Besides, better than saying one hour but taking three. Especially if you're in the music business; that will mean death."

"Please.", Ryu scoffed out of jest, "With a jedi or a soldier, if we screw up, we die. If you 'creatives'-as Madame calls you-screws up you just go about your merry way and live to tell the tale."

"On the contrary.", smiled Xenia, "If we screw up we'll either die on the streets,", she flings herself in his arms, "or die of embarrassment!"

As chuckles ensued, an excited Xenia composed herself to go on.

"But don't worry, it'll be over soon. And just think, Ry,", she places a gentle hand on his cheek, "after this, it'll soon be your ceremony next week! You'll finally be a Jedi master! A full-blown knight!"


Ryu's face turned from amorous to unsettled. Xenia was quick to pick up on the small, awkward change.

"What?", she questioned, "Why say it like that? You've been talking about this moment for years."

"I know.", assured Ryu, "It-It's just that..."


"Uh...", with a sigh, he said, "It's about Master Skywalker."

"He's sick again?", Xenia asked with increasing concern, "Is it as bad as last time?"

"He's up and about for now.", said Ryu, "The last two days have a different story; Ken told me he was coughing up bits of blood. And if you look at him-really look at him...he looks so pale and worn out. Like no matter how much sleep he gets he would seem so...groggy."

"Been like that for months.", pondered Xenia, "I had asked my aunt and uncle about it weeks ago. But, neither of them gave much of an answer. Matter of fact, uncle Lando was uneasy throughout the whole conversation so I moved on to another topic. Has Master Cilghal or any of the doctors said anything yet?"

Ryu shook his head, "Not that I know of."

"When should we ask them? Perhaps there's something we could do to help."

"After the holiday would be suitable.", Ryu suggested, "Everyone's already anxious about tonight. Better to do it all in private too."

With heistance, Xenia agreed to the plan. From such uneasiness in the air, Ryu was desperate for something more light-hearted.

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