The TARDIS Awaits:

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"Captain's Log: Stardate 9749- During Enterprise-A's intergalactic misadventure, we were visited by acquaintances. These would consist of Lt. Saavik, Dr. Christine Chapel, Jamal Scott, the Excelsior's Captain Hikaru Sulu, Lt. Janice Rand, the mysterious Gallifreyan Time Lord, Doctor John Smith or "The Doctor" as he calls himself. With Smith are two youths; Dorothy Gale McShane and John Alydon Ganatus Chesterton. In the last hour, we contacted the Excelsior and explained the odd situation. As a result, the ship has set course to meet us on our route to fetch their missing crewmen. During our wait, we recounted our time with him back in 2269 to 2270 along with telling each other of our respective ordeals during these last 23 years. With so much that has occurred, where will we be at this rate?"

Now curious with a hint of sorrow, Smith has confined himself to his TARDIS where he finally found time to conduct his own research.

"When should I tell them?", The Seventh Incarnate pondered, "Should they know now or when we're already there? It could become chaotic then...but will that dimension think we're using them for ulterior motives? Will they think we'd be using them if Kirk already knows? About the Asase?"

He continued to ponder at his control panel. The Doctor skimmed and scanned articles and pictures; soaking up all the information he could find when the TARDIS allowed Kirk, Spock and McCoy to enter. Upon entrance, the men looked around in astonishment at the setting's pure white architecture.

"What the...", started Kirk.

"Welcome to Narnia,", winked the Doctor, "'Sons of Adam'."

"Narnia...", McCoy scoffed while still amazed, "This...this was a shack the last we saw it."

He was referring to the TARDIS's sad state back in 2269. This was due to the Time Lords limiting our Doctor as part of his punishment.

"Scotty did effective improvements.", joked Kirk. Though it was half joke and half truth. Scotty was assigned to assist Smith for a duration. However, the proud Whovian begged to differ.

"I told you alot happened.", chuckled Smith.

"At least you're smiling again.", Kirk replied, "Why not join Ace and Johnny? The crew showed them the game room."

"Of course they would.", laughed the Doctor, "But, I'll join them later. Right now I'm taking a look at...certain matters."

"So a break is out of the question...", said Kirk.

"For the moment.", answered the Doctor, "And-Oh! You're one to talk, Jim! I recall you always being on deck-even on shore leave!"

"That doesn't count.", defended The captain, "Emergencies don't take vacations."

"Out of curiosity,", started Spock, "what are you researching?"

"Many things, Spock.", said the Doctor, "Including articles involving...", he stopped himself, "involving strange phenomenons."

"Missing ships.", guessed Kirk correctly, "You always wanted to solve mysteries."

"Perhaps.", said the Doctor, "In this case, you can't blame me."

"We understand, Dr. Smith.", said Spock, "However, it would be illogical to put our crew into a dangerous journey out of pure, emotional speculation."

"And grossly irresponsible.", added the captain.

"We're in enough trouble with the Federation as it is.", McCoy pointed out, "We've been reported back to dock ages ago! Add in a misadventure to God-knows-where, and we'd be court-martialed faster than you can say 'Hailing frequencies opened!'"

"I'm in shock...", The Whovian shook his head. Both out of disappointment and of jest.

The Doctor Who continued, "I'm speechless. These are the men who'd 'boldly go where no other man has gone before'. To think these are the great explorers who willingly embarked on a five-year mission!"

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