Reports Of Reverie:

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From her report, images of the latest get-together conjured Luke's mind

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From her report, images of the latest get-together conjured Luke's mind. Among Skyriver's leaders were Mon Julpa, his wife, Gerin Toda, Queen Julia and her husband, Jarjar Binks, and even the Ewok leader, Chief Chirpa. Led by Mon Mothma, the rulers discussed issues from the mental health of Rebel vets to the Tatooine's Terraforming Project. Eventually, Mothma got down to the latest enigma.

"This matter is a strange one, I will admit.", she announced to the people, "But due to its similar patterns to our prior battle with Abloth, we must take caution. In the past month, our leaders have been getting numerous reports of dreams-uncanny nightmares that appear to tie in together. It has not just been leaders but civilians as well. The sleepers had not met each other nor were they given any monetary gain. As a matter of fact, none expected or demanded any. All they desired was anonymity. Will time is of the essence, I can only give out so few examples. The first is from Donny Gopi, a 79-year-old nerf-herder from Lothal"

From the projector, a hologram recording of the scarred Gopi appeared.

"It was so vivid...", recounted the elder, "I feel sick just thinking of it..."

He took a trembling breath and continued.

"I saw a building exploding...debris, smoke and fire all over. I haven't seen so many bloodied corpses since the Clone Wars. You can be on Lothal and still hear their agonized shrills. I...I looked around and saw the perpetrators-the terrorist who caused it all! He hadn't said a thing and no one accused him, but I sensed his guilt. I knew that monster did it! Even his physical appearance seemed...demonic. Dark hair, sharp brows, and pointed ears-not like a Sephi or any other creature I know of. And his to say the least. It still haunts me..."

The stranger ends his report and his picture is taken off-screen as Mothma shows another account.

"This one is from Opal Aster; a teenager from Chandrilla.", Mothma informed.

The girl's hologram showed and spoke,

"I was at a show of sorts when I noticed someone up on the balcony seats. All was cold but the aura of that person was blazing! It was a woman with these pointy eyebrows. They made her look angry-like she was in a bad mood. But she didn't seem to be, you know? She also had pretty long brown hair and ears just as sharp as her brows-well almost...the ears seemed to have had curves to them, I think. Can't remember much else."

"The last would be of 30 year-old Pele Heath from Bespen.", said Mothma.

The hologram of the woman recounts her own dream.

"All I can recall was some ship in the sky. A smooth disk of a ship that didn't even look like ones back in the day. Absolutely nothing like the ones we got now. Riding on it was a mass of beings with dark hair, V-shaped brows and pointed ears. Everything about it was strange. Foreboding even. I thought it was just something I ate but, three nights later, I keep having the same dream."

"These accounts may seem mundane.", started Mothma, "But remember; many had strange visions when Abeloth awoke. Back then, those documents were about seeing a woman with a sliced smile. Either they dreamt of Abeloth or her minions, the Yuuzhan Vong."

"In that case,", Senator Natrix Malaman said, "perhaps high surveillance should be kept on the Jedi Temple."

"With all due respect, Malaman ,"started Leia, "But what does this have to do with the Jedi?"

"Remember, daughter of Anakin,", a spiteful Malaman reminded , "Not all of those knights are trustworthy. More importantly, don't you harbor a boy with the same features as those aforementioned aliens? The ones with the brows and ears?"

Leia nodded, "Those traits were from his father."

"And what of the mother?", inquired Malaman, "Isn't she Charal, the murderous witch of Endor? You've been keeping her too, have you not?"

"Charal and her son have been faithful to us for years.", Leia argued.

"But we don't know his father, now do we? Not even of the planet he hailed from?", said Malaman.

Leaders like Akbar had to agree with the latter, saying, "Those dreams could be a sign of the lad's paternal species arriving."

"I'll say,", said Malaman, "arriving for a full on attack judging by those violent reports. Why-even their mating rituals are deadly. That boy had dismantled one of your droids! "

"C3PO made a full recovery and forgave him. Remember, Natrix; Ryu wasn't in his right mind due to his biology.", Leia cleared the air and went on, "We must not jump to conclusions. According to Charal, those foreigners took in stoicism to avoid deadly conflicts."

"You truly believe the words of that witch?", asked Malaman.

"Who else can we listen to?", Han retorted, "She's the only source we got."

"But we must be cautious.", said Mon Mothma, "We do not know the true ways of those people. And what we supposedly know is through word of mouth. A mouth whose reliability is up for debate."

"We're not even sure what those dream elves truly are.", admitted Mon Julpa, "Perhaps they're another breed of Sephi as Gopi had initially thought."

"Is Master Luke Skywalker making plans to join us today?", inquired Queen Jessica, "Surely he must know something."

"He couldn't make it today.", said Han once he noticed his wife's uneasiness with the question, "He's busy with his students for tonight's performance."

"I see...", said a sympathetic Mothma. She was unaware of Luke's predicament, but could see Leia's troubled disposition , "Well...Come what may. We'll keep an eye out until further notice. And just in case, we shall keep surveillance up as much as possible."

All agreed that the meeting adjourned and the Solos were back with Luke.

"That's why we need to inform the council.", explained Leia.

"Right.", Luke nodded, "I'll have them meet us at the chambers."

"Should we get Charal and Ryu?", asked Han.

"Better break this to Charal first.", said Luke, "We'll get to Ryu in the morning."

"I was hoping it'd be the other way around.", chuckled Han, "Last person you wanna tick off is a Nightsister."

"Hey, we've been through worse.", smirked Leia.

"Same as usual.", laughed Luke.

With R2 following them, the trio marched out to the not-so-far Solo Palace.

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