Old Friends:

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"Captains Log: Stardate 9601-Only three more months until we say goodbye to our beloved enterprise. To our old ways in turn for the new. However, it should give us plenty of time to follow that North Star one last time. Little did we realize, that aforementioned star, would send us not to Neverland but to a vastly different universe."

Within the mystical, crystal-studded abyss of space, Enterprise-A roamed along in peace. All was quiet save for the beeps and wiring within its solemn domain. On deck, led by Captain James T. Kirk, was science officer; Mr. Spock, along with navigator and second officer; Pavel Chekov, chief engineer; Montgomery Scott and communications officer; Nyota Uhura among many other crewmen and women at the panel. This was so until Kirk went to Chekov, asking,

"Anything out there?"

"Negative, captain.", said Chekov, "Looks like smooth sailing for now."

"We can never be too sure.", chortle Kirk. This ushered in a chuckle from McCoy,

"It's times like this, I think you're just hoping for something to happen."

"And take up more of my retirement?", laughed Kirk.

"Like you have with mine...", snarked McCoy. He still remembers being "drafted" nearly 10 years ago. Needless to say, he's still a bit bitter about it.

"Another message from Starfleet.", started Uhura, "They're giving us a final warning: Return to dock within 24 hours or face dire consequences."

"'Dire'?", asked Kirk.

"'Court martialed'.", Uhura answered.

"Well, we've done it now,'' said McCoy.

"Don't say it like it's a bad thing, Bones.", grinned Kirk.

The joking ceased when navigators picked up a signal. By what was seen, Kirk, and the rest of the main crew had their eyes lit up. It wasn't just out of shock of such absurdity, but rather of familiarity. Just by looking at the odd spacecraft, they knew exactly what it was.

A man-sized, navy-blue British police that appeared to have been from the 20th century. Such objects would seem odd to anyone from 2293. However, Kirk, McCoy, Spock,-all knew that this was no ordinary police box. Just as they knew that its pilot was no ordinary human.

"Jim!", McCoy's blue eyes lit up, "That's not...?"

"Perhaps...", said an unsure Kirk as he turns to Uhura, "Have you made contact with it, lieutenant?"

From her panel, Uhura answered, "I'm getting a message; he wants to present on the viewscreen."

At Kirk's command, the window put the strange ally on display. Yet, all were puzzled by seeing the Seventh Incarnate rather than the Second. Instead of an older white-haired Victorian dandy whom the crew had known, this was a man whose age is in-between middle age to elderly. His attire echoed a dapper from the 1920's; straw top hat and all. Though what would stick out would be the multi-colored scarf donned on his shoulders. Then there was his smile; a smile of true kindness but, at the same time, secretive. They would also find the two youth with him, Ace and Johnny. The confusion would grow as the TARDIS's camera showed their friends with the petite party.

"Jamal!", gasped a concerned Uhura as she turned to Scotty, "What's he doing there? He was with Aida on Earth last time we talked with him."

"And with Chapel.", said Scotty, "She was with the federation, wasn't she?"

"Sulu and Rand are with them too.", said Chekov, "But they can't be...we just saw them on the Ecclessior."

"Even Lt. Saavik is present.", Spock said, "I haven't seen her since her departure to Helena IV."

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