A Window To Heaven:

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Coruscant's skies fade from blue to ember, as a vast parade travels throughout the cities

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Coruscant's skies fade from blue to ember, as a vast parade travels throughout the cities. Droids and a handful of jedis kept audience members away from the confetti-ridden streets, with some of their Force-Sensitive peers were in league with the Galactic Opera House's performers; partaking in the vibrant songs and acrobatic dances. In the proceeding floats, our Rebel veterans were presented, happily waving to the crowd under black, lapis-blue, golden and ivory confetti.

Under the moon, the parade would lead back to Mothma Hall within the Uscru District. There, a magnificent ball was held with dozens of Skyriver's leaders in attendance. As the Galactic troupe, their Jedi companions, Ubbla Mollbro, the Max Rebo Band, Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes along with other acts performed their numbers, the partygoers partook in various activities. Some discussed matters among one another. Others danced or sang along with the music. And the rest, like C3PO, just stood by the stage to simply observe the intriguing entertainment. With R2D2 accompanying him as always, the golden droid could not resist admiring.

"Oh, hasn't this been wonderful, R2?", he started, "The parade was absolutely marvelous and now this celebration! I cannot wait for the rest of the week-so much to come, my friend! So much more!"

R2 beeped out his minor concern regarding the more restless humans, Twi'Leks, Rodians, or additional species.

"No doubt about that.", laughed C3PO, "With so much excitement, they'd all be sleeping until next year. Or the following at this rate. Especially those performers there-the poor things must be so exhausted already-what, with rehearsals and all."

"I should say so.", agreed an approaching, middle-aged woman. She was none other than Madame Seufzen, the head of the Galactic Opera House.

"Oh! I beg your pardon, madam!", cried a remorseful Threepio, "I didn't mean it like that! I was-R2 and I were-"

The smaller robot had to vocalize his jest towards his colleague's mannerisms. In R2's view, C3PO was prone to overdosing on politeness.

"Hush, you!", C3PO snapped back, "At least I'm being a gentleman."

"No, no,", the happy Seufzen soothed the tension, "it's alright, darlings, I was agreeing with you. My students have worked hard to please these good people."

Upon hearing the impressive prima donna, Jattir Plage, C3PO went on to comment, "Especially her."

"Yes.", Seufzen agreed with hinted weariness.

During this time, Leia was discussing matters with Han and Luke. From their little circle, none of the three could resist having small, quick peeks at a busy Mon Mothma. Even as they made their way to one of the hall's many balconies. Since their news regarding the upcoming visitors, the main trio struggled to find a way to inform the leader privately for she had to go from one meeting on Naboo, to another on Chandrila. By the time she had returned from the latter planet, the festivities were already beginning. With such vital information, Luke and the Solo's knew privacy was a must. But, being Force-Sensitives, Luke or Leia could fight that foreboding feeling. They just knew the other masters and padawans were sensing it too.

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