Doubtful Minds:

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In a far off galaxy, lives a stream of neighboring planets. As its formation resembled a sparkling river, its inhabitants dubbed their beloved cluster, "Skyriver".

The Skyriver's people are not just one species; they are a compilation. A hodgepodge of humans, banthas, wookies, and other fascinating creatures coming together as one. Same could be said about their planets with one containing something the other lacks. While Lothal and Endor are planets of rustic woodlands, Naboo and Tatooine resemble either an architecture's paradise or a desolate wasteland of a desert. Then there is Coruscant, Skyriver's very core.

As the heart of this galaxy, it serves as the vessel of important matters; politics, religion, and culture. This was why Princess Leia Organa and her beloved Han Solo made their Coruscant after the Imperial War. The planet would also not just be their shelter; it would also be lived by other Rebel Heroes; Chewbacca, C3PO, R2D2 and Jedi master, Luke Skywalker. There had been a decade of peace since Palpatine's downfall. However, that did not mean tensions were absent.

After so many years of battles and repairs, the Millennium Falcon continues to fly. This time, the Falcon cruised on, reaching for the docks connected to the Solo Palace. On board was not just Han and Leia, C3PO, Cloud City's Baron Administrator, Lando Calrissian and Lobot, Lando's aide. As they got closer to the palace, natural conversations ensued concerning the troublesome meeting that occurred at the Senate Building.

"After all this time...", a frustrated Han shook his head, "You'd think they'd give us the benefit of the doubt."

"Or at least an ounce of respect.", C3PO pointed out.

Lando agreed with the droid, grumbling, "But can we be surprised with that idiot around? Why does Mothma let him talk?"

"Trust me,", said Leia, "we'll deal with Malaman later. Right now we gotta investigate those accounts."

"They could all be just dreams.", Han pointed out, "Those happen all the time."

"I know, Han.", his unsure wife agreed, "But something about them seemed off. It's better safe than sorry."

The rest had to agree as they considered past oddities. Consequently, the Solos made their next assignment to seek out a certain Jedi master.

Waiting for the five were Chewbacca, and their respective families. There was the Solo children, Ben, Bailey and Brea. For Lando, was his wife, Giselle Paz and their own offspring, Cyrus and Kadara.

Happy welcomes were made among the crowd when a curious Han turned to Chewie.

"Where's Luke? I thought he was gonna meet us here."

From the Wookie's garbled growls, Han learned of his brother-in-law's location. Rolling his eyes, Han murmured, "Should've known..."

The New Jedi Temple was a building of vast architecture. As home to thousands of masters and padawans alike, it was as large as Naboo's Theed Palace. Thus, allowing 20 Meditation chambers, a grand room for meetings among the council and the vast dining room, it also consists of a large, beautiful garden. This garden consisted of white, lavender, purple and turquoise flowers that popped among the spring green grass and bushes. All with marbled statues and a patterned path.

In grassy fields, a small league of padawans roamed about .Usually, they would perform their exercises. However, on this day, they were doing a dress-rehearsal for a later show with Tionne and Kam Solusar leading them. Unbeknownst to any of them, a figure was observing from one sect of the garden. A middle-aged man with sandy-blonde hair, blue-gray eyes and a white-and-gray attire. This was none other than Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. With delight, he showed a pleasant grin. The grin should have been brighter, but happiness had been hindered by dire situations.

Once rehearsals were finished, Luke made himself known to his students; praising them in their efforts.

"Well done, everyone!", he applauded much to the youths' collective gratitude and surprise. One student, Ken Loneozner would vocalized the latter saying,

"Master Luke, what are you doing out here? We'd thought you'd be in bed."

"I'm alright, Kenny.", chuckled Luke, "I need the fresh air anyway."

Liv Kestis had to scoff, "Tell that to Cilghal and I'm sure she'd agree."

"I will later.", said Luke, "Right now I just want to get ready for tonight. Same goes for all of you. Wash up, put on your best robes and everything."

"So much to do,", started Tionne, "in so little time."

"Then we best get started.", Luke replied.

The students left for their designated space. All saved for Ryu Lazerwolf. This was because Luke needed to speak with him concerning unplanned changes.

"You've come a long way, padawan.", said Luke after telling him sorrowful news, "For many years, you've proved so much and should've been awarded sooner."

"I don't blame you, master.", Ryu replied with a grieving smile, "You didn't ask for this. No one does."

Luke sighed, he had to agree. Yet, not without pointing out,

"Charal's potion has no cure-that we know. But it's been helping."

"And may it keep helping.", prayed Ryu, "May it keep doing so until something better comes along."

Luke thanked him for that wish and sent Ryu off. As the youth walked away, Luke found himself alone. Gazing at nature's splendors-from the flowers to the afternoon sun, he found himself in bliss.

"We've made it.", he thought, "All these years of fighting...and we've made it."

His mind could have been in that sweet state had it not been for his physical pains. The shooting numbness throughout his bruised limbs, the burning red rash on his face and then the dizziness that made him kneel gently to the earth. As the pangs made him catch his breath, Luke was sent to contemplate his many troubles. His downtrodden eyes peered below him. Intrusive thoughts attacked his mind and plagued heart.

"Will it last? Can we keep it once for all? What's gonna happen when I'm-"

Luke stopped himself as he found he was no longer on his own; R2D2 was nearby beeping out his own concerns.

"I know, R2.", started a gentle Luke, "I know they're back. I just need to get myself together."

"Then we'll come to you.", announced Han Solo who had just arrived with Leia by his side.

"How are you feeling?", asked Leia.

"Fine.", answered Luke.

"Good.", said Leia, "If you want to keep feeling good, you ought to be back in bed. Especially if you wanna go to the ball."

"I-I know.", Luke could not argue, "I just...", he did not know what to say. His mind was troubled with countless things. This was a matter both Solos were too aware of.

"Go easy on yourself.", Han said in solace, "We're not gods."

"We need to be.", replied the unsure Luke, "I've been sensing-"

"We've all been feeling it.", admitted Leia regarding herself and the other jedis, "But we're gonna be OK, I know we will."

From the last statement, Luke had to agree.

"She's got me there.", he reflected, "We've dealt with crazy stuff before. Thank the Force we're still alive."

"Come on.", spoke Han as his wife wrapped her arms around the men's shoulders, "We better get the rest of the decorations up. That and..."

"What?", asked Luke. By his inquiry, he stopped the other pair.

The weary Solos looked at eachother and back at Luke until Leia confessed that, "It's about at the meeting."

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