The battle at hyrule castle, pt.3

Start from the beginning

Linkly's heart pounds faster in excitement and from nervousness. Hopefully, the sword is strong enough to break the stone. And, hopefully, he is strong enough to endure the energy. It would really suck if he needed to lose an arm. But... That's a low sacrifice for saving everyone.

The werewolf stops climbing where he looks to the right side.
" Alright... The secret stone is buried to my right side, about thirty centimeters away from my head... You might see the part where I hitted him with the sword earlier..."

Linkly squints the eyes to look at the part where Link told him about. It seems a cut is still there from the first attack.
He nods and pulls out the sword.
" I think I can see the wound from earlier..." he tells him.
The hylian takes a deep breath. Then, he moves the arm with the sword in the hand, backward. He squints the eyes and focuses on the part to attack.
With a swift movement, he swings the sword forward, where it slides into the dragon's body. Causing the dragon to flinch in pain and shrieking loudly while squirming even more to shake them off of him.
Linkly grits the teeth and tries keeping the balance while peneterating the dragon further with the sword. The second the sword's tip hits the secret stone, a huge energy starts running through the master sword and makes the sword shake in protest.
The hylian almost loses the grip of the sword, but due to stubbornness, he holds on. He even uses both hands to prevent the sword from sliding out again.

Linkly grits the teeth while the body trembles. Just a little more... The stone should be destroyed soon.

The werewolf sees how more cracks start spreading on the tearshaped stone.
"... Don't give up... It's soon destroyed... It needs one last push..."

Linkly presses the sword harder against the dragon, where he leans heavily forward. The focus on the arms almost makes him lose the grip with the legs around the werewolf's waist. Luckily him, Link moves one arm behind the back to hold him up in support.

A short moment later, the secret stone breaks apart and turns into dust where it disappears.
The dragon freezes up.
Linkly smiles.
" I... I... Did it..." he says shocked and in relief. Also, a bit proudly.

The werewolf nods.
"... Good work, Linkly... I knew you could do it..." he says while Linkly pulls out the master sword where pitch black blood is covering its blade.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the dragon starts to wriggle in uncontrollable movements. The sudden movements surprised the two Links, where the werewolf loses the grip of the dragon's body with the claws.
They start falling down toward the ground.
In the last second before either of them would thud at the ground, a giant hand gets underneath them and protect them from hitting the ground. In gentle and careful movements, the hand puts them down to the ground.

The werewolf looks up at the sky, where Midna gives him a smile. Shortly after that, the hand underneath them disappeared.


Zelda is panting while aiming a light arrow at a moblin.
" They are too many... If we can't find a way to reduce the number of enemies, I don't know how long we are..." she mumbles mostly for herself before letting go of the string where the arrow flies away and hits the red moblin.
She is about to pull the string to load the bow with a new arrow when a pure white flash of light spreads from the sky over the area.
She hisses and gets blind for a brief moment where she needs to close the eyes, including holding an arm above the eyes to prevent the light from harming her.

During that moment, everyone stopped moving. Including the enemy.

The second when the weird light disappeared, she blinked the eyes opened with an asking grunt.
She looks up at the sky where the dragon is gone. Even the red color on the moon starts fading away.
" The dragon... It's gone... Link did it..." she exhales gasping and can't believe the almost one hundred years of nightmare is over.

The monsters on the ground make a hissing noise before making movements to attack them.

Sidon flinches where he is about to defend himself when the monsters suddenly make weird and stiff movements.
The Zora grunts confused, and sees how the monsters one by one are falling down to their death.
" Eh?... The monsters are dying?..." he gasps before he smiling stands upright with the end of the trident pointing down at the ground.
"... It's over...."


The werewolf looks confused down at his furry arms, where the fur slowly vanished while the claws reduced in size.
The moment when the moon lost the last of its red color, Link turned back to his hylian form.
"... I'm not a werewolf any longer..." he mumbles until a low grunt startled him.

The sandy blond hylian looks over to the place where he heard the noise from.
When he sees the muscular man with fire red hair and beard, he wides the eyes. The heart pounds faster. Ganondorf!
Link runs away from Linkly, who blinks asking after him.
The green clothed hylian doesn't halt the steps until he thuds down next to the gerudo male.
" Are you alright?" He asks with concern out of love for the other man. His hands are lying softly at the Gerudo's broad chest. Right now, Ganondorf is only dressed in a pair of sandy brown trousers.

The gerudo man grunts in pain. It feels as if he woke up with a bad headache.
" Link?..." he grunts and sits up where pebbles fall down from his back.
The man with long and red hair looks asking at him, and then around at the others.
"... Where am I?"

Link smiles in relief that Ganondorf seems alright despite the circumstances.
"... You are in hyrule..." he tells him.
Link nods.
" Yes... At the hyrule castle... Well..." he starts eyeing the ruins.
" ... At least what's left of it..."

Ganondorf gets the awful feeling when he sees the ruins of the castle that he might be the culprit behind its fall.
He sighs.
"... It's my fault, isn't it?" He slumped with lowered head.

Link inhales sharply where he shakes the head in protest.
"NO!... You were cursed... So, it's not your fault at all... So, don't take the blame..." he kindly tells him.

Midna gave them a moment to talk before she approached them.
" Lord Ganondorf..." she starts saying to get his attention.
When the gerudo man looks asking up at her, she clears the throat.
"... My people and I have made a potion where the evil in your soul will once for all disappear..." she explains and takes out a bottle with yellow potion.
"... And if you wish, you can have this to free yourself from ever getting controlled by that evil again..." she adds without fully understanding what she is about to set free... How powerful Ganondorf's evil side really is. And the damage that side can cause.

The Gerudo man looks at the bottle in a few seconds before he extends the arm to grab that bottle. Maybe he can finally get the peaceful life he has been dreaming of... A life where he is fully seen as one of the good guys. And not the former bad guy who might change his mind and try to conquer the world in greed...

But, maybe he shouldn't have taken the easy route. 'Cause that single mistake can cause a lot of troubles now, and in the future... Troubles no one would endure if he only tried to control the evil inside of him, instead of pushing it away by separating from it... But, sometimes you need to learn from the consequences of your choice...

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