thirty three.

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Previously on "Hungry eyes":

The kiss was salty from Taehyung's tears, even if it was a painfully sad moment, it was an even more beautifully shared kiss.

„I love you so much." Hoseok whispers against Little's lips as they part from the kiss, „I will always love you."

Taehyung slowly nods, „I will always love you too, Hobi."

The elder smiled as he pulled Taehyung into a long and tight hug. He hates letting go of him but it's time to leave.

„Here, my keys to my apartment and the dancing room." Hoseok said, „I will pay for the rents, don't worry just go by from time to time. I left a note on the doors of the dancing room."

Taehyung just nodded as he listened to his lover.

„Tell the others that I will be back soon." He adds softly smiling.

Again the younger just nods, because talking would make him burst out into tears again.

„You will hear from me soon."

„Y-you promise?"

Hoseok smiles, „I promise."

And with that he left.

He left him, he looked back, he waved, got into his car and left into the sunny road of Sunroadtown.

And with that he left a sad Taehyung behind.

It felt like a break up, like a forever goodbye.

It felt heartbreaking and overwhelming.

It made Taehyung feel lost and lonely - as if a big part of him was gone. His chest feels heavy, his heart empty.

Now he's gone. His Hoseok is gone.

And God knows when he will return - if he returns at all.


Time is one thing Little can't understand.

Sometimes it flies by so fast, sometimes it's as if everything has stopped.

After Hoseok left, it felt as if the whole world stopped spinning. After his lover left, life felt dull and bland again.

He told everyone about him leaving, they were confused but also understanding. At some point Little felt bad for being not as understanding as his friends, for being an egoist. He wanted Hoseok back.

But of course they couldn't feel the pain and emptiness, Little feels. They couldn't understand it.

With the days passing by, Little's smile got less, his pain got stronger.

Everything around him just continued while he seemed to be stuck in time. He just lived but without the happiness he had before.

It was already Jungkook's and Jimin's birthday, the party would be great if Hoseok wasn't missing. The party was great just not for Little. He doesn't remember anything of the party, he was just there but mentally he was somewhere else. Little didn't even notice the blush on Jungkook's cheeks, as he made a small compliment on the birthday boy's outfit.

He barely noticed anything that happened around him. The pain grew so big, Taehyung didn't even want to leave his room anymore. Most of the time he was in his bed, barely going out. He even skipped a few classes of university.

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