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Taehyung doesn't really feel like going out tonight, he never does. But it's his father's birthday and for once his father and mother got the day off, or at least the night off. It's quite rare, but now that they are off, they want to celebrate the father's birthday.

Since they went to his favorite bar, his younger siblings, Jaehyun and Mirae, had to stay at home, a baby sitter is taking care of them.

That's how Taehyung finds himself with his parents, at the biggest bar of the town, called „Dynamite", a rather full and fancy place, round table all over the big hall, in the front is a stage for live music and shows.

His parents order some cocktails, he himself, being underaged, only got a Limonade. Music is played on the stage, a small band trying their best to entertain the crowd.

It's already quite late, Taehyung's mind trails off to today's lecture and how he didn't get to write down everything the professor said. It's important for his last exam this semester, but he can't ask other students for their notes since he doesn't want to bother them.

„And Little, how is your studying going?", his father says, making Taehyung look at him a little bit taken aback.

„Oh- it's okay.", he simply answers. He has big respect for his father, the independent successful doctor, the person Little looks up to the most. They share a special bond even if it's quite hard sometimes for Little, the pressure and all.

„I'm glad it's going good, Little.", Taehyung's mother says with a soft smile on her lips. She is more understanding than her husband, she knows the difficulties and struggles Little has to go through to do good at his studies. But she is also really strict, just like her husband.

„Yes, I'm glad too." the young male responds taking a sip from his Limonade, his eyes now resting on the stage, waiting for the next performance.

The lights turn darker, the main light is shining above the stage. The crowd gets quieter, as the moderator announce the next performance - a dance performance to be specific.

A male with dark hair and a red jacket walks up to the middle of the stage, before a famous song starts playing in the background.

A male with dark hair and a red jacket walks up to the middle of the stage, before a famous song starts playing in the background

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With the song playing, the dark haired male starts dancing smoothly to the music, almost feathery, effortlessly. His movements fit to every sound and every beat of the song.

Little is amazed, he can't take off his eyes of the dancer and his moves, his body that is in complete sync with the music. Never has he seen someone dance that beautifully, that passionately as if his life depends on the movements and song.

The light brown haired male is fascinated, the performer ends his show way too soon for Little's liking and at some point he has stopped his breath, being so focused on the dancer and his show.

A big applause takes him back to reality, as he starts clapping his hands too. After bowing a few times the dancer left the stage and Little couldn't stop thinking about the black haired man and his amazing performance for the rest of the night.

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