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It's almost 3pm as they arrive at the car repair shop, to meet Joon and Yoongs. Taehyung explained what he knew about Yoongi's plans so far and that they will now just talk about it. Further he asked Hobi if he even wants to join them and since Hobi got nothing else to do he agreed to come with Little.

Both Little and Hobi soon enter the workshop to be greeted by JK. They are still wet from the heavy rain in Lake Forest.

„Hello you two lovebirds." He says grinning at them, making Little huff under his breath and his cheeks heating up. He notices them being wet, „Danced in the rain?"
Little frowns but Hoseok just smiles, before JK changed the topic by himself.

„Joon and Yoongs just came back." With his hand he points at the garage, before the two male nod and open the door to meet them.

„Oh you're back." Joon says as they enter the garage, followed by JK, „what happened to you guys?"

Little chuckles at Joon's confused face, „It started raining when we were strolling around."

For once there was no car in the middle of the hall, just the three male sitting on the chairs discussing about the big project. Before sitting down Little introduced Hoseok to Yoongi, them shaking hands for the introduction.

„And did everything go well?" Little asks his cousin, changing the topic before sitting down on one of the empty chairs.

Yoongi grins at him, lifting up the key of the building he bought, „Yes, gladly."

Little smiles at him and soon the planning for the project starts. Hobi sat next to him, just listening quietly, while the other males discuss the plan.

„So first we will have to get the cars here." Joon starts, before Yoongs continues explaining,
„Not all but maybe 5 at once. And then get them checked to see if everything is alright."

„Wait how many cars do you have?" JM asks curiously raising a brow.

„24." Yoongs responds, crossing his arms and leaning back. Jimin widens his eyes and so did the others.
Only Joon knew about the many cars, Yoongi has and wants to bring to Sunroadtown.

„How do you want to bring them here, one by one?" JK asks, raising one brow.

„I will rent a big truck, where we can put 5-6 cars on." The dark haired male explains and the others nod in response, „But still we will have to drive 5 times."

„When we come back, they need to get checked and then be taken to my shop." Yoongi adds.

„JM you and Yoongi will go to get the cars while me and JK prepare everything here." Joon says, making Jimin grin widely while Yoongs sighs quietly. Even though he seemed anything but pleased to be joined by the strange red haired boy, Yoongs doesn't want to argue with Joon over something like that.

„How can I help?" Little asks his cousin, making the older thinking shortly.

„You could take care of the building, it wasn't cleaned for a while, and I have to rearrange some things." Yoongi responds and Little nods in response.

„I could help you." Hobi asks, flashing a smile at the boy next to him, before he looks to the now new owner of the said building, „if it's okay for you?"

„Of course. Little's friends are my friends - besides Jay." Yoongs responds while pointing at Jimin, who just pouts dramatically, making the other males laugh.

„We will try to get everything done within a week." Joon continues explaining and Yoongi nods in agreement. „The cars, the shop everything." The dark haired male adds, before clapping into his hands, „Good guys, tomorrow we will start."

Hungry eyes » vhope [FF]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon