Chapter 21 - Suspicions (Part 3)

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"Get away from her!" Leo yelled as he cut the robot into pieces.

"Kraang. Eliminate the being known as the turtle." One said in a weird speaking tone. 

The robots just kept coming and took out their blasters and started shooting at Leo, but Leo deflects the blasts with his swords, and kept on slicing the robots. I swung my bag and knocked them out. 

I didn't even realize that it was that easy to do that.

I kept on knocking them out until I heard someone hiss in pain. Leo's arm got shot with one of the blasters, and his face was angry.

"Leo!" I try to run to him, but more robots started to corner me, and I hit them with my bag.

"Y/n!" Leo yelled. He started running towards me while slicing the robots that are in his way until he made it to me. "Y/n." Leo said as he put his swords away and checked for any injuries on me.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." I said as I put my bag down.

"Well that's not surprising." A voice said which caught me and Leo's attention. It sounded like it came from my window. It was the same female ninja that kidnapped me. Leo begins to get right in front of me as if she was gonna do something, and I had a scared look on my face. She was slim and pretty.

Really pretty.

"Its always that the male has to save the damsel in distress." 

Is she seriously saying this about me?! That I'm helpless!?

She sees the look on my face and says, " No surprise you'd be here." 

I decided to speak up now. "What did you expect?" I asked sarcastically. She slowly begins to take her sword out from behind her waist, and I began to go behind Leo even more, and Leo said, "You're gonna stay away from her, and tell Shredder that your plan didn't work out." 

"Oh," She began chuckling. "come on Leo you know I can't do that. I mean come on, I was just about to have a little fun." She said looking at me now.

I snapped at her. "Well you can suck it up whether you like it or not." Her face turned from amused to angry.

"You little bitch." She said narrowing her eyes at me.

"Call me what you want." I said. "I'm used to it."

The door then opened downstairs and it caught all three of our attentions.

Oh shit!

"Y/n are you home?" My mom asks walking up the stairs. From my view where I was looking, I see her walk in the hallway towards my room. The three of us were suddenly silent as she was in my room now. In my doorway. Instead of my mom having a surprised and angry look, she was smiling like an evil person would.

"Nice work Karai." She said. I turned to where the so called female ninja, Karai, was standing, and she said, "Why thank you Ellie."

How does she know my mom's name?

"Or should I say Ellie Saki?" She finishes.


"That was too easy." My mom said.

"What was too easy?" I asked with anger in my voice now.

She was chuckling now. "All I had to do was adopt you when you were five, and you have out information without even knowing it. Ah you were a stubborn little child." She said as my face grew furious and my wrists balled up tight.

"You - you lied!" I yelled. Her face never changed from a smile. "Everything! Everything you have ever told me was a lie!" 

"Well what did you expect me to do?" She asked."I had to do what I needed to do, and now, what YOU need to do is come with me." She then begins to pull out a knife from her coat. "If you don't come," She then shrugs as if is was obvious and trust me, it was. "You'd have to be suffering." I back up until I'm beside Leo.

"There's no way I'm going with you bitches." I said gritting my teeth.

"Very well then." She says. "Karai." She looks at the female ninja and she pulls out her sword from behind her waist all the way. Leo grabs my side and throws something onto the ground and it created purple smoke.

He hurries out of the window without the female ninja being able to see.

Next thing I know, he is somehow holding me bridal style while running across rooftops. Later, he stops in an alleyway where no one can see us. I don't think I can believe what I just saw.

My mo- my adoptive mom was really working for an evil clan.

Fearless (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora