Chapter 10 - Mom has something to say

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M/n: Mom's name


My mom has been excited the past few days. She would try to do her makeup rushing in the process. First I thought that her work schedule changed but maybe that's not why she's excited. She still gets out of work late.

Sometimes I would catch her smiling at her phone and giggling a little bit and laughing. I'm not gonna lie but I like seeing my mom happy but I just wanna make sure that she's safe and feels loved and protected.

I walk towards the exit with all the other kids because it was the end of the day and I wanted to hangout with Leonardo.

I got into my mom's car. "Hey sweetheart. How's your day?"

You answered "it's good."

"Is that girl still bothering you?" She asks concerned.

"No. She never comes near me anymore." You said simply.

"That's good."

She started driving and there was a long silence until your mom broke it.

"So Y/n." Your mom started.

"Hm?" You turned to her.

"I have someone I want you to meet and he wants to meet you too."

I knew it. She had a boyfriend and wanted me to meet him. Why not?

"Would you like to meet him if you're comfortable?" She asked.

"Sure. I'm comfortable." I assured.

20 Minutes later

Both of you arrived at what you assumed was her boyfriend's house. You got a little nervous and your mom noticed.

"It's okay Y/n. He'll like you and maybe you two can get along." She assured.

'Maybe you two can get along '

Well I hope so.

We go to the door and my mom knocks on the door.

There's no answer.

She knocks louder this time and you hear a dog barking and running to the door. The door knob turns and a man with short brown hair smoothed, flannel on and jeans.

He looks friendly.

"Hey M/n." He greeted while hugging and kissed her cheek.

"Hey Mark." She says kissing his cheek back. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He says satisfied then he looked at you. "This must be your daughter." He says happily.

He lends out a hand for me to shake and I smile and shake it. "It's nice to meet you Mark."

He smiles. "Y/n. Was it?" He asked.

"Yes. That's my name."

"Your mom told me some stuff about you." He says.

"I thought she would." You said looking at her and smirking.

"Come on in. Can't leave you two outside"
He said gesturing to the inside.

You two went inside and he closed the door. You looked around and there was two couches. One with three cushions and on with two cushions. There was a glass coffee table, a flat screen TV sitting on a wide shelf. Inside the shelves we're videogames and he had a PS5 (or you guys can choose another gaming station).

"If you'd like, I have kids too and you can hangout with them if you'd like." Mark said standing next to your mom.

"Sure." You said smiling a bit.

"Their room is upstairs to the right." He said.


You then heard your phone vibrate in your sweatshirt pocket and got it out and you got a text from Leo.

'Hey babe, I just wanted to swing by your apartment and see if you wanted to hang out today but your weren't there. Are you okay?'

You smiled a little seeing that he was being a caring boyfriend and wanted to check up on you.

You texted back saying:

'Everything's fine babe. I'm just with my mom.'

You sent it and was about to walk upstairs but 2 kids came downstairs. One with a sketch book and it was a girl. One was with a figurine and it was another girl but she looked younger.

"Oh I forgot to introduce you to my kids." Mark said laughing a bit.

"Y/n, this is Paige" he said putting a hand on the young one. "and this is Bethany." He said putting a hand on the older one.

"Aww they look cute." Your mom said smiling.

"Who's that girl?" The little one said pointing at you like she's seen your mom before but not you.

"This is Y/n. She's her daughter." He said pointing at your mom.

"That name is pretty." The young one said. "Do you wanna play with me?" She asked with hope in her voice. Her voice was so cute.

You looked at your mom and back at the young sister "Sure." You said smiling a little.

A few minutes later

You were playing with the young girl with her superhero action figures and pretended that the figure you were holding lost and made a exploding sound while her figure crashed on top of yours.

Then, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and the girl looked at your phone to see that it was Leo.

"I'll be right back okay?" You asked. She nodded.

I went to the bathroom and I pressed the answer button.

"Hey Leo." You said smiling a bit.

"Hey babe. You haven't been at your house for a while. Are you okay?" He asked a little worried.

You laughed a bit. "I'm fine babe. I'm just with my mom at her boyfriend's house and playing with one of his kids." You said.

"Oh I'm sorry. Do you maybe wanna hangout later or somethi-" he was about to say but your mom interrupted.

"Y/n. It's time to go home."

"Ok mom! I'll be out of the bathroom." You said.

"You're in luck because I'm gonna come home and we can hangout." You said to Leo.

"That's great! I'll see you later." Leo said.
"Love you."

You giggled a bit. "Love you too." You hung up and got out of the bathroom to find your mom kissing her boyfriend on the lips. She looked back at you and quickly pulled away from him.

'what? It's not like I've seen kissing before in movies.'

"Ready to go hun?" She asked.

You were more than ready. You were excited to go home.

"Yep I'm all ready." You assured.

The two girls came out of their room and the young one hugged you first.

"I'm going to miss you." She said kind of sadly.

You pulled away and looked at her. "I'll miss you too." You said

You came to hug the older sister and she hugged back. "I'll see you both soon." You said.

Your mom gave Mark one last kiss and opened the door to let you go out.

You both got into the car and went home thinking a lot about Leo.

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long. I wanted to add some new characters and wanted to add something different in this.

Sincerely, Ashley Q

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