Chapter 5 - When he asks you out

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You were at school and thank God it was your last period of the day.


To you, Math was something that you think you wouldn't use in the real world and you thought it was a boring class. You thought the other classes were pretty nice but not Math.

Finally, the bell rang and you didn't even have homework. You packed your notebook and pencils up.

You were walking to the hallway where the exit was until you were stopped by your bully.

'Not her again' you thought as you were giving her an annoyed look.

"What do you want Stephanie?" You asked annoyed.

"Well I thought that I could have a little fun with you." She said chuckling a little bit.

"Very funny, but I'd rather go than 'have fun' " You said sarcastically.

You turned to walk where the other exit was but then her two backups were blocking you too. You tried to run around them but they both grabbed your arms with you struggling against their firm grip.

"Let me go!" You screamed.

They turned you around and Stephanie ripped your bag off of your shoulder. They turned you back around and then out of nowhere, Stephanie started to punch you in the face.

"Feel so confident now? Huh?" She asked laughing.

She punched your stomach hard and the two girls let go of you to let you clutch your stomach and to let Stephanie punch you in the face again, and you fell to the ground.

She started kicking you "Think you're so much better than me? Well I'm not putting up with it!" She kicked your face multiple times and you were bleeding.

She pulled out a pocket knife and was just about to stick it in your skin when the principal came running down the hallway yelling at them. They ran away and the principal saw you on the ground trying to get up.

"Take it easy." He said helpong you up and carrying you.

"Let's get you to the nurses office." He said softly.


At the nurses office, the principal called your mom to come pick you up because you got beat up and got bruises on you.

Your mom sounded panicked and she rushed to the school.

She cam into the office running by your side.

"What happened?" She asked the principal.

"Stephanie happened." He said next to your mom.

"How did this happen?" She asked again.

"It started at noon when they were eating lunch in the cafeteria and Stephanie was bullying another student to give her their money and Y/n went in the middle of the fight to get her to let the kid go." He said looking down at you.

"My poor Y/n." Your mom said broken.

"It's okay mom, I can walk fine now and these bruises are not that bad." You said.

"It's not okay for what she did to you." She said.

"I'll get her a month suspension and report to her parents on what she's been doing." The principal assured.

"Let's go to the car." She said putting your bag on her shoulder.


When you guys got home, you went straight up into your room closing the door and locking it. You opened your closet to show a body mirror hanging on the door and you saw that bad bruises covered your arms when you rolled your sleeve up. And there were more on your face and she gave you a black eye.

You ran into your bed and started crying while burying your head into your pillow.

You didn't hear the tap on your window or the other ones because the pillow was burying your head.

You felt your bed sink and you looked up seeing that it was Leo.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I-It's nothing." You said.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" He asked.

You got your pillow off of your head and Leo saw the tear stained cheeks on your face.

"There's this girl named Stephanie and she's been bullying me since 7th grade and she decided to do this to me for no reason!" You started to cry again.

Leo wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug sitting on your bed with you stroking your hair and you held onto him.

You then looked up at him and he looked into your e/c eyes. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. You don't deserve it."

"I know but.."

"But what?" He asked

"She's been doing it to me almost everyday and treats me like garbage every time." You say.

"Trust me. I know how it feels to be treated like that. But not every day." He said.

"How would you know?" You asked.

"You know Raph right?" You nodded.

"Well sometimes he would get me bruises and other stuff when he gets angry at me about something. So I know how it feels.And you're not garbage. I doubt that." He assured.

"Thanks for what you said. I'm glad I'm not the one going through it." You said laughing a bit.

There was a short silence until Leo broke it.

"Hey. Um Y/n?" He asked.

"What's up?" You ask.

"There's something I'd want to ask you. That is if you say yes." He said.

You knew where this was going and your heart beat faster.

"Y/n would. Would you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously.

You froze for a second and you said this.

"Yes! I would wanna be your girlfriend Leo!" You said happily hugging him tight.

This day turned out to be the best day ever.

Your crush asked you to be your boyfriend and you said yes.

"Here." Leo said handing you a small paper with numbers on it.

"If you want, you can call me anytime you want for anything." He said.

"I'll go add your number right now." You said getting up.

"Got it!" You said.

"Do you wanna hangout in the lair with me?" He asked.

"I would love to." You say.


Fearless (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora