Chapter 11 - Alone Time

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Song: Love me like you do

F/f: Favorite Flowers


It was a really bright sunny day but it was a little bit cold. I was still wearing (you guessed it) a long sleeve shirt with sweats after school. I didn't have a shift today. My hair was down kinda covering my face. My mom had work yet again.

I was sketching random stuff in my sketchbook on my bed since I don't know what to draw. Then something came to mind that I would sketch. Leo. I just loved him so much and wanted to do something that will remind me of him.

Just when I was gonna start drawing him, I saw a familiar shadow casted on the floor and I recognized the silhouette enough to be Leo's. I turned around and saw him holding some of my F/f.

I smiled and went to the window to undo the hatch so he could get in.

"Hey beautiful." Leo said kissing my forehead. "I got these for you." I giggled a little bit.

He's just so sweet.

"Aw Leo you didn't have to get me these." I said.

Leo just smiled "But I wanted to and you deserve them." He said.

Wow. I need to get him something soon.

There was an awkward silence until Leo broke it.

"You wanna come to the lair?" He asked.
"You've been staying inside every day and you need the fresh air." He said.

I knew he was right. You've been staying inside every day and needed to stretch.

I nodded and got your oversized hoodie and put it on with your shoes.

I went to the window where Leo was and he scooped me into his arms which made me scream a little but giggling a bit.

He started to run across the rooftops and it didn't take that long since he was a ninja and fast.

When we stopped at the alley where the sewers were, he finally got me down and he opened the manhole cover, got in and I got in after him.
When we were walking in the sewers trying to get to his home, he kept trying to tickle me and I would try to get his hands away, but his hands get off before I get the chance to swat them away.

Then he did it again making me laugh. "Leoo! ahhh stahp! Mercy!" I said laughing uncontrollably. He doesn't stop he just smirked more and said "I never got to see you smile, and I'm starting to love your smile." I was blushing now in a mess. He went behind me and pulled me to his chest. His arms wrapped around my torso and he kept kissing my face.

When he stopped tickling me and when both of us stopped laughing, I turned around and Leo started to lean in and he softly put his lips on mine and there were butterflies in my stomach immediately.

His hands went from my torso with one going to cradle the back of my head and one going to my waist.

Leo's POV

The kiss lasted like forever to us in this moment with her soft lips on mine and our breaths moving together. But too bad we had to pull apart so we could breathe. Our foreheads touched with her hands around my neck and she closed her eyes and was catching her breath.

She looked so peaceful. It's always nice to be with her. Actually it's more than nice. It's bizarre to be with her. She opened her e/c eyes and looked into mine. Her hand touched my cheek and she started to lean in and kiss my cheek. I nuzzled my nose with hers and looked at her face to tell that she was thinking of something.

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