Chapter 14 - Harassed by your ex

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It was the weekend! No school! Best feeling ever!

Today I woke up and decided that I was gonna go to the gym today instead of sitting at home all day. I put on my black long sleeve shirt and my black sweats with my athletic shoes. I decided to take my phone with me.

I was walking downstairs hearing my mom on the phone which I'm assuming was her boyfriend on the other end.

Once she saw me she said "One sec." To her boyfriend. "Where are you going sweetheart?" She asked looking down at my outfit.

"Oh I'm just gonna go to the gym and exercise." I said.

I've been exercising in my room non-stop with weights, and running so I decided to try the gym out so that my mom doesn't have to complain about me being loud in my room.

"Ok sweetie. Just to let you know, I have work off today and I'm gonna go to Mark's house for a bit. Text or call me if you need anything." She said.

Of course.

"Ok mom love you." I said walking out the door.

Once I was walking outside to the gym, I put in my earbuds and turned on music on my phone not too loud. I felt like running to the gym so I decided to jog for a bit.

The gym was not that far from my house. It was like five minutes away.

Leo's POV

I was practicing with my katanas and running on the roofs until I saw someone familiar.

I stopped, went on the edge of the roof and looked down to see Y/n jogging on the sidewalk and it looked like she was jogging to the gym Infront of her. She stopped jogging and started to walk taking her earbuds out and started to put her phone in her pocket.

I heard whistling and looked over to see a teen boy with a leather jacket on and jeans. When Y/n passed him, he started to follow her. She looked behind her and started to speed walk towards the gym.


I have to get away from him.

Why is he following me?

Thankfully when I got into the gym, he stopped and left. I checked in at the front counter to workout and exercise.

I started to get .y phone out and see a text from Leo.

Leo: Babe be careful. I saw that teenager follow you when you were walking.

I figured that he was watching from the rooftops.

Me: I know I saw him too. I don't even know why he's following me.

Leo: Me neither. Be careful. I'm looking out from the roofs to see him.

Me: Ok. I love you.

Leo: I love you too.

I smiled and put in my earbuds and started my music.

1 hour later

I took out my earbuds and turned my music off, heading for the front counter to check out at the front counter.

Once I did that, the lady said, "Have a nice day."

I turned around to her. "Thanks. And you too." I said smiling while she smiled back.

I exited the gym, excited to see Leo. I really need to rest with him. He's probably been looking out for me on the rooftops for a long time.

Once I made it to the alley to wait for Leo, I heard footsteps coming from the entrance of the alley. I walk from the alley and peeked around the corner of a building to see my ex again.

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