Chapter 12 - Meeting April and Casey

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Part 1


When I woke up, I heard my annoying alarm on my phone blaring so loud.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and turned that darn alarm off. After that, I realize that it's Friday and I'm in Leo's room. Not mine.

When I looked at the side that Leo was laying on, he was not there. Then it hit me that he was probably training in the dojo. So I decided to go there.

I get up from laying down, and I take my shoes that are next to his bed, and put them on. I opened the door, and I start to walk to the dojo.

It didn't take me that long to find the dojo because the sounds of grunting and clashing of weapons led me straight to it. I start to look at my phone at how much time I have left to go to school.

Just about 30 minutes left.

Welp I have nothing to do. I start to lean on a wall so I can watch them. I immediately find Leo going against Raph. Donnie and Mikey are on the side watching them.

Raph keeps dodging punches and kicks from From Leo. Leo then takes one of his katanas from his sheath just as Raph took his sais out of his.

I take my phone out of my pocket and record them fighting on it. Leo runs towards Raph with his sword in his hand. Leo misses Raph by him jumping up high and comes down and lands behind Leo.

When Leo heard him land behind him, he was about to turn around, Raph kicked him where his plastron is. Leo ends up sliding across the floor and stops where I'm standing.

I quickly stop recording, and put my phone away. I was being very quiet to make sure he didn't see me. I giggled a bit, and he caught me.

The other brothers looked in my way too.

Even Master Splinter.

Leo walked over to me. "Hey." He said smiling. "What are you doing up early?" He asked.

I smiled and said, "I have school today so I thought I could watch you four train." I said.

"So you decided to not say anything and just watch?" Raph asked. "You know you're allowed to come and watch us on the sidelines." He offered.

"Well, I'm not much of a talker. I'm more like a quiet kid." I said.

I didn't wanna say that I feel like I'm a burden to them. I just wanna make sure it's okay before I do it.

"Well Raph's right," Leo began."you can just come in here and watch us anytime were in here." He said.

"Ok." I said. I looked at the time on my phone.

Crap! 9 minutes left!

"Oh crap! I need to get to school fast!" I said running out of the dojo.

How does time even go that fast? I thought.

I'm at the turnstiles at a stop to catch my breath and speed walk. I feel a hand grab my long sleeve.

I turn around. Leo. "Leo can you please let me go?" I asked. "I have to get to school." I said.

"I can take you there." He offered.

I smiled a bit and said "That's kind of you Leo," I began "but how will you get me there?" I asked.

He let go of my sleeve and said, "We have two friends and they tell us about you. And that you go to the same school as them." He said.


"Okay but you better hurry." I said.

He hopped over the turnstiles and said, "C'mon." I followed him.

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