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Third Person P.O.V

(Y/N) shivers and shakes violently as she holds weakly onto Kristoff's waist. He had given her his scarf in hopes of warming her, and had Anna wrapped securely in his arms as he urged Sven to run faster for their sake.

"Just hang on you two," Kristoff looks back at (Y/N) before looking down at Anna's face. He places his hat on her head, making her smile softly and curl more into him.

(Y/N) nearly collapses off Sven, making Kristoff gasp and reach blindly behind him, stabling her back on Sven.

"Focus... On... Anna, Kris!" (Y/N) manages out loud enough, "I'm fine!"

He looks back in concern before he nods in determination, holding Anna close to him as Sven races faster, Olaf sliding on his stomach next to them.

Olaf bounces before vocalizing as he bumps on the rocky snow, diverting to another path and sliding off a ledge into town.

"Oh, boy!" He yelps, holding his bottom part to his middle, "I'll meet you guys at the castle!"

"Stay out of sight, Olaf!" Kristoff yells, urging Sven faster.

"I will!"

Olaf disappears behind some buildings.


A woman shrieks, "it's alive!!"


Sven races on the cobblestone pathway, and they approach the main gates.

The soldiers above gasp when they notice the two.

"It's Princess Anna and Lady (Y/N)!"

Kristoff pants slightly and slides off Sven, (Y/N) slowly following and staggering before leaning against the reindeer as Kristoff carries Anna bridal-style.

Sven walks along Kristoff, aiding (Y/N) as Anna and her shiver.

"A-Are you gonna be o-okay?" Anna shivers, making Kristoff smile softly down at her.

"Don't worry about me," he quietly replies as the gates open.

"Anna! (Y/N)!" A servant yells, Kai rushing to aid (Y/N) as the others help Anna as Kristoff sets her down.

"You both had us worried sick!" A womans scolds in concern.

"My Ladies," Kai greets, worried for (Y/N) as he helps her walk.

"Get them warm," Kristoff orders, "and lead Anna to Prince Hans immidiently!"

"We will," Kai nods, "thank you."

"B-Bye, Kris. Thank you... For everything," (Y/N) tears up, realizing this would probably be the last time they see one another.

Kristoff reaches for the two as they lead them away, "Make sure they're safe!"

Anna and Kristoff look at each other as the gates shut, (Y/N) staggering and shivering as the servants fuss over them.

Sven snorts sadly and stares at the gate as Kristoff sighs, patting him. Sven whines as Kristoff shakes his head, slowly turning and walking away.


"I'm going back out to look for Princess Anna and Lady (Y/N)," Hans nods with determination, walking towards the doors.

"You cannot risk going out there again," a noble dismisses.

"If anything happens to them..."

"If anything happens to the princess, you are all Arendelle has left!" The noble firmly replies, making Hans pause and think.

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