Battle at the Ice Palace

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Third Person P.O.V

Hans stares up at the ice palace in awe, his breath visible in the freezing cold as he exhales.

Men talk behind him as they urge their horses forward, Hans turning his horse to face them.

"We are here to find Princess Anna and Lady (Y/N). Be on guard," Hans narrows his eyes at the Duke and Duchess' men, "but no harm is to come to the King." He hops off his horse, "do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Grace," men agree, however, the Duke's soldiers simply glance at each other with a grunt.

Hans' horse pulls back as he leads him forward, and everyone gasps and yells as what seems to be a pile of snow suddenly turns into a creature, roaring angrily.

The men swiftly leap off their horses and draw their blades as the creature stands tall, swinging at them.

Hans ducks under the snowman's arm as it roars, soldiers clammering and throwing spears while the two guards aim and fire crossbows at it.

This only made the creature angrier, and it roars as its eyes shine a brilliant blue, swinging its first and slamming the men into the wall.

One of the guards grunts in pain and looks towards the palace entrance when he notices movement.

Elson swiftly shuts the door, making the guard gasp.

"The King!"

His friend follows, both grabbing their crossbows and running past the distracted snowman.

Hans leaps out of the way as the creature lashes at them, gasping and noticing the Duke's and Duchess' thugs racing up the palace steps.


Elson gasps as he hears the men approaching before turning and running up the stairs, the thugs noticing.

"Up there!"

"Come on!"


Elson runs into a room lit up in a yellow glow, gasping and turning when the men burst in behind him.

"We got him," one sneers, and both spread out different ways.

"No, please!" Elson begs, backing away.

One of the guards aims his bow, and fires.

Elson gasps and blocks his face before slowly opening his eyes, realizing his powers protected him, the arrow inches from his face.

"Go around!" One guard yells, "toss it!"

His friend tosses some more arrows, and both rush to cover.

"Stay away!" Elson commands, summoning up ice spikes that lash towards the men.

They both dodge it with grunts, Elson watching in sadness as he was forced to fight.

"Fire, fire!" One yells, making Elson lash a spell to him.

The man dodges it as Elson fights the other, launching spell after spell as the man dodges them and attempts to fire before Elson uses his magic to shove him away.


Hans gasps and looks up as the creature, rolling away and dodging his foot that was about to crush him.

He grabs his fallen blade before swiftly slicing off the snowman's leg, making it roar and stumble backwards.

"Come on!" Hans yells, and begins to run up the stairs as the creature bellows a roar as he falls back.

Marshmallow attempts to stop Hans to protect Elson one last time before falling, swinging his claw down on the stairs near Hans as he falls off the cliff.

Hans yells as he slips, managing to hold onto the railing with a pained grunt.

He tosses his sword on the stairs as soldiers clammer and help him back up.


Elson looks between the two men with his hands raised, gasping and panting slightly as the men circle him.

One of the men aim at Elson, making him gasp and use his magic to aim spikes at him. The man was pinned to the wall, a spike slowly inching towards his neck as he whimpers.

Elson's eyes narrow as he hears the other man move, and he quickly knocks the crossbow from his hand and blocks his two escapes with ice walls before slowly pushing another towards him.

The man gasps and pushes against the wall as he was pressed against the ice doors with a yell, Elson grunting and pushing harder.

The door shatters, the impact causing the railing of the balcony to shatter and block his escape. The man falls back, sliding against the wall as it continues to push him off the balcony.

The spike draws near the man's throat as he whimpers, the man outside grunting and pressing against the wall with all his might to not fall.

Elson's eyes narrow further as his nose crinkles in concentration, and Hans and the soldiers enter the room with gasps when they notice the thugs.

"King Elson!" Hans shouts, Elson feeling a rage when he hears his voice. "Don't be the monster they fear you are!"

Elson gasps with wide eyes, stopping his magic and losing his defensive stance as he looks back at Hans in realization.

Hans notices the thug pinned to the wall taking aim at Elson, his eyes flicking up to the chandelier briefly. He dashes forward, grabbing the man's arm and forcing his aim up as the man pulls the trigger.

The bolt fires at the chandelier, shattering the ice chain holding it up.

Elson looks up with a gasp as the beautiful chandelier begins to fall, and he races forward. He cries out and yells as it begins to shatter, and he slips before lunging forward and slamming his head against the floor.

And his world went black.


Elson groans in pain, slowly waking up as his vision clears.

He grunts as he sits up, eyes widening when he sees outside. Elson leaps to his feet before rushing forward, only to be jerked back by something.

His eyes widen as he looks down, his hands covered in a metal and chained. He leans as far as he could towards the window, his heart sinking.

"Oh no... What have I done?" Elson whispers to himself, staring at the frozen fjord.

The door unlocks, making Elson gasp and snap his head to the door.

Hans enters, carrying a lantern. He sets it down, rubbing his cold arms as Elson glares at him.

"Why did you bring me here?" He demands.

"I couldn't just let them kill you," Hans replies, standing in front of Elson, a few inches shorter.

"But I'm a danger to Arendelle," Elson raises his bound hands in gesture, his expression hardening. "Get (Y/N)."

"(Y/N) has not returned," Hans replies, making Elson's eyes widen. "Neither has Anna."

He gasps and looks to the window in concern, biting back a whimper.

"If you would just stop the winter..." Hans continues, "bring back summer. Please."

"Don't you see?" Elson bitterly chuckles, shaking his head and looking at Hans. "I can't." Hans' eyes widen at the sincerity. "You have to tell them to let me go... So I can go look for them. For her."

"I will do what I can," Hans quietly reply and nods, and takes his leave.

Elson sighs and looks down, breathing heavily as his thoughts swirl in fear and concern for (Y/N) and Anna. He looks down at his hands as his magic begins to seep through the iron, making him gasp and softly murmur in fear.


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