Kristoff and Sven

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Elson!" Anna shouts, making me flinch. "Elson!!"

"Anna, do you really have to scream in my ear?"

"Oh! Sorry!" She apologizes, nervously laughing.

"Thank you," I sigh, patting my ringing ear with my frozen hand.

It was quiet for a moment, making me sigh in relief.

Anna breaks the silence once more, screaming out in hopes of her voice reaching Elson. "It's me Anna!!"

I jolt again, sighing with an exasperated smile. My horse's ears flicker as he snorts, making me pat him sympathetically.

"Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer! I'm sorry, it's all m-my... F-fault!" She shivers, hugging me tighter for warmth.

"Elson! Please, come back!" I call, quieter than Anna, shivering and closing my cloak with one hand.

"Course... This wouldn't have happened if he just told us his secret," Anna bitterly chuckles softly, "he's a stinker."

"Well... I... knew, actually," I mumble, and she was quiet for a moment.

"What?!" Anna shrieks, making my horse neigh in surprise and buck both of us off.

We both scream and land in piles of snow, Anna slightly underneath. I groan and shake my head, gasping when my horse takes off running down the mountain.

"No! Wait!" I shout, but he doesn't listen.

"No, no, no no no, no!" Anna reaches after him, shuddering violently, "o-o-okay..."

I groan again, shaking as I stand up to help Anna out from the snow. She doesn't wait, and grabs a lopsided tree for support. The tree somewhat yanks her out before flinging out of the ground, covering Anna in more snow.  She groans in annoyance, her exposed hands drooping.

I let out a small sigh, and go to help her.


Anna and I both struggle to walk in the thick snow, our gowns not exactly meant for long treks. The sun had set, so the temperature dropped by a lot.

"W-We s-should have c-changed before we left..." I shiver, nearly tripping as I walk.

"I-I can't believe y-you knew this w-whole time and d-didn't tell me!" Anna grumpily replies, making me sigh.

"I-I'm sorry, A-Anna, but I couldn't," I stammer out as my teeth chatter, gasping and steadying Anna as she slips again. "It wasn't m-my secret to tell. You know? I'm... sorry."

She was quiet for a moment before sighing.

"I-it's okay, (Y/N). S-Sorry for freaking out and making y-your horse run off," Anna apologizes with a sheepish smile, making me grin back.

"It's alright." I pause for a moment, glancing around. "... About what you said. Before Elson ran off. Elson having feelings for me?"

Anna's eyes light up as she looks to me, smiling before it falls as I give her a stern look.

"You shouldn't say things that aren't true, missy," I scold her softly, trudging through the snow alongside her. "No wonder he freaked out when you said that. I can't imagine how mortified he was."

"Isn't true--?" Anna slowly repeats as her brows furrow. "But, (Y/N), he--!"

A large gust of icy wind blows past us, making both of us shriek and shiver, her previous thought forgotten.

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