In Summer!

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Kristoff cracks the reigns as Sven runs fast through the snow, making me yelp as I hang onto the back of the front seat.

Anna was riding up front with Kristoff, and I was in the back with his items since there was no other room.

"Hang on, we like to go fast!" Kristoff warns me, and I hang on tightly with a laugh as the wind rushes through my hair.

"I like fast!" Anna starts to get comfy, placing her feet on the dashboard of his sleigh.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah! Get your feet down! This is fresh lacquer." Kristoff scolds, making me snort. "Seriously, were you raised in a barn?" Anna looks back at me in slight annoyance at being yelled at, making me grin in amusement.

I swiftly duck as he gathers spit in his mouth, spitting it out on the part Anna dirtied.

"Ugh!" Anna yelps, and I peek back up and cringe, offering my handkerchief as she wipes the saliva off her face. "No, I was raised in a castle." Anna cringes out, and Kristoff simply hums in acknowledgement, not caring.

"So, uh... Tell me," Kristoff starts, "what made the King go all ice-crazy?"

"Oh. This should be good," I snort, making Kristoff and Anna look back at him. "Tell him about how you fell in love," I dramatically pause, "... Right after meeting him."

Kristoff's mouth drops and he faces forward as Anna scoffs.

"That's not all that happened!" She huffs with an embarrassed scowl, shaking her head and focusing on Kristoff, "see, well... It was my fault. I got engaged but then he freaked out--"

"Because you just met--"

"Then he said he wouldn't bless the marriage, and--"

"Wait. You fell in love with this guy at first glance, and got engaged to him?! To someone you just met that day?" Kristoff questions in disbelief.

"Yes she sure did," I reply with a snort at his flabbergasted expression.

"Anyway! I got mad, and so he got mad, and I mentioned (Y/N) and he got madder, and then he tried to walk away and I took his glove--"

"Hang on!" Kristoff interrupts with an upset tone of disbelief, turning his body to face Anna as he looks between us. "You mean to tell me she got engaged to someone she just met that day?!" He demands from me, making Anna frown and look at me as I nod with a small, uneasy smile.

"Yep," I confirm as I slowly nod, making his eyes widen as he sputters.

Anna rolls her eyes, "yes, pay attention. But the thing is! He wore he gloves all the time, so I just thought, I dunno, maybe he has a thing about dirt! Turned out (Y/N) knew why and she never told me--"

"Didn't your parents or (Y/N) ever warn you about strangers?!"

It was quiet for a moment as I slowly glare at him suspiciously, holding up his ice-pick as Anna scoots away with a wary stare.

"Good... Point..." I mumble as he scoffs.

"... Yes, they did," Anna also mumbles, scooting further from Kristoff.

Kristoff sighs and faces forward as Anna continues, "but Hans is not a stranger!"

"... He kinda is," I point out, making her sputter and laugh bitterly and loudly. "Oh, please!" I scoff, "what's his last name?"

"... Of the Southern Isle," Anna replies as Kristoff smirks, joining the game.

"Favorite food?" He questions with a raised brow.

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