Love is an Open Door

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Third Person P.O.V

The choir all vocalize in harmony above as Elson walks to the front of the room.

Anna was watching with a small smile before looking to the crowd, waving at (Y/N) before noticing Hans a row behind her. Hans waves with a smile, making her wave back and conceal a giggle at the sight of the nobleman snoring on his shoulder.

Elson takes a deep breath and bows to the height of the Bishop, allowing the Bishop to crown him. Elson leans back up, taking a deep breath as he looks down at the scepter and orb.

He starts reaching for them, flinching when the Bishop clears his throat.

"Your Majesty... the gloves..." He whispers softly with a sympathetic look, making Elson halt his actions and look down at his gloved hands.

(Y/N) anxiously watches as Elson removes his gloves, setting them down on the pillow.

Elson's hands tremble violently as he reaches forward, grabbing the two objects and facing the crowd.

The Bishop starts to recite the chanting prayer, making the crowd rise as Elson holds his breath, scanning over the people. His eyes meet (Y/N), making him quickly look away as he feels his heart flutter as he exhales before holding his breath again.

Elson's eyes flick down to his hands, eyes widening when he sees the objects starting to frost. His expression hardens as he looks back at (Y/N) in fear, and she takes in a deep breath and motions an exhale with her hand

Elson takes a deep breath, calming down slightly and stopping the frost as the Bishop finishes his chant.

"King Elson of Arendelle!" The Bishop finishes, making Elson quickly place the orb and scepter back on the pillow and yank on his gloves as the crowd begins cheering.

"King Elson of Arendelle!" The crowd repeats, continuing to cheer as Elson tightly smiles and looks around.

His eyes linger on (Y/N) before snapping forward, Anna watching in confusion when she notices. Her eyes shift to (Y/N), her expression brightening as she slowly smirks with realization that her brother had a crush.

(Y/N) smiles with relief and applauds, glad that everything has gone well so far.


The band plays lively music as the crowd all laugh and dance along, some clapping to the beat as a few dance in the center of everyone and finishing on the last note.

People begin clapping as Elson walks to the throne as Kai introduces, "King Elson of Arendelle."

The crowd bow to their new King as Elson stands in front of the throne, a small smile on his face.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle," Kai calls, and Anna rushes out from behind a curtain.

She stands far from Elson, making Kai sigh and approach her and she and (Y/N) wave at each other.

Elson chuckles quietly to himself as he watches the two, looking away as Kai grabs Anna.

"Oh. Here? Are you sure? Because I don't think I'm supposed to-- oh, okay..." Anna rambles and trails off as Kai firmly plants her next to Elson, scooting away slightly as she looks away from him.

The crowd clap and cheer for their King and Princess, Elson inhaling and exhaling as Anna nervously looks up at him before looking at (Y/N) for help. (Y/N) imitates two people talking with her hands, gesturing for Anna to talk to him.

Anna nervously shakes her head, gesturing for (Y/N) to come over. She shakes her head in reply, pointing to the table with the sweets before walking to it.

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