The Storm Inside of Me

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Third Person P.O.V

The people all shivered and struggled to keep warm as they scavenged for what little wood they could get to that wasn't wet or frozen.

"No, no! You've got the bark facing down. It's got to be facing up!" A man scolds another man, flipping the wood.

"Bark down is dryer!" The man snapped back, flipping it back the way it was.

The two men begin to fight about the bark, trying to yank it from the other as a young boy sneaks around them, grabbing a pile of wood and racing away.

"Papa!" He calls out, showing the wood proudly as his father sighs in relief and ruffles his hair with a smile.

"Cloak? Does anyone need a cloak?" Hans calls as guards follow, carrying stacks of wool cloaks.

A shivering old woman approaches and gratefully takes one as Hans smiles sadly.

"Arendelle is indebted to you, Your Highness," she squeezes his arm and takes the cloak as he nods and continues.

"The castle is open. There is soup and hot glogg in the great hall!" Hans addresses the rest of the shivering folk, handing off his stack of cloaks to another guard, "here, pass these out."

"Prince Hans!" An angry voice shrieks, making him sigh.

The Duke and Duchess approach, rage evident on their faces.

"Are we expected to just sit here and freeze while you give away all of Arendelle's tradable goods?!" Duke demands, his sister angrily nodding in agreement.

"Princess Anna has given her orders--"

"And that's another thing!" Duchess cuts Hans off. "Has it dawned on you that your princess and her little friend may be conspiring with a wicked sorcerer?!"

"To destroy us all!" The Duke agrees as Hans firmly glares at them.

"Do not question the Princess or (Y/N). They left me in charge, and I won't hesitate to protect Arendelle from treason," Hans warns, taking aback the Duke and Duchess.

"T--Treason?" The Duchess whimpers as their guards glare at Hans.

A horse whinny catches their attention, and (Horse Name) comes stampeding through the town, bucking up and neighing as people gasp and yell.

Hans gasps and rushes to the horse, but that only seemed to aggravate him more as he tries to calm him.

Faunus, who had been watching in concern with his love, rushes to the horse, grabbing the reigns and gently shushing him, "Woah, boy! Easy... Easy." He gently coos at the horse, stroking his muzzle.

(Horse Name) calms with his presence, snorting softly as Hans looks towards the way he came.

The woman shivers violently as she hugs her arms, rushing over to Faunus, along with Kai.

"Nice job, sunshine," she softly says and smiles, her teeth chattering lightly.

Faunus' expression brightens to a smile as he focuses on her, his arms wrapping around her as he pulls her into an embrace to help warm her up.

"This is Lady (Y/N)'s horse..." Kai mumbles, making the people gasp and all exclaim indistinctly.

"So... Where are she and the Princess?"

"Where could they be?"

"Where are they?" The folk all whisper amongst themselves in concern.

"Princess Anna and Lady (Y/N) are in trouble," Hans decides after looking at the mountain for a moment, and he faces the crowd. "I need volunteers to go with me to find them."

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