Coronation Disaster

Start from the beginning

"We would like--" both start before giggling, my eyebrows slowly furrowing as they act like two children in love.

"Uh, your blessing," Hans continues, hesitating as he looks to Anna. "For..."

Anna hugs his arm tightly.

"Our marriage!" she finishes, squealing softly as she rests her head on Hans' shoulder.

My jaw drops and my eyes widen, Elson doing the same as he sputters in disbelief.

"Marriage?!" We both exclaim at the same time, Anna eagerly nodding.

"Yes!" She squeals, making me frown.

"Wait, didn't you like... Just meet him?" I slowly say, making Elson look at me with furrowed brows.

"Wait-- I'm sorry, I'm confused," Elson stammers lightly, looking back at Anna as he shakes his head.

"Well, we haven't worked out all the details ourselves. I'm sure (Y/N) can help me though. We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony," Anna grins, already seeing it in her head as I watch her with wide eyes. "Of course we'll have soup, roast and ice cream, and then..."

She suddenly gasps, startling me.

"Wait, would we live here?!"

Elson and I look at each other with wide eyes as she mentions Hans living here, his expression mortified as he blinks rapidly.

"Here?" Elson stammers with wide eyes.

"Absolutely!" Hans agrees enthusiastically, making Anna smile.

"Anna!" I try to interrupt, but she doesn't listen.

"Oh! We can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us!"

"What?! Anna--" I start, but Anna wasn't listening as she continued to speak.

"Of course we have the room!"

"Wait, slow down!" Elson firmly interrupts, making Anna look at us. "No one's brothers are staying here, and no one is getting married."

"What?" Anna questions, a frown on her face as she looks at me. "(Y/N), help me out!"

"Uh..." I trail off awkwardly, glancing at Elson quickly.

"May I talk to you, please? Alone," Elson urges softly and saves me, making Anna scoff.

"No. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us," Anna replies firmly, hugging Hans' arm again as he looks at Elson with uncertainty.

"Fine," Elson lowly says, straightening up with a hardened expression. "You can't marry a man you just met."

"You can if it's true love!"

"Oh, Anna..." Elson sighs softly, shaking his head. His eyes shift to me for a moment before they move back to her, his expression softening. "What do you know about true love?"

"More than you!" Anna snaps, looking at me for a moment before looking back at her brother. "All you know is how to shut people out!"

Elson was taken aback, gasping lightly as she continues, "I mean, you even shut (Y/N) out, too! Do you know how hurt she was when you--"

"Anna!" I cut her off quickly, making her look at me with sadness and confusion as I shake my head.

Elson doesn't speak for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing as he looks at Anna sternly.

"You asked for my blessing... And my answer is no," Elson lowly speaks, his voice wavering a bit as he exhales softly and turns to walk away. "Now... Excuse me..."

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