Chapter 22

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They had experienced a lot of miracles over the years.

But this was one neither of them predicted.

Your feet staggered at first, so did Eli's.

It took a full minute for you to collect yourself. When you finally did, you didn't miss the tearful expressions of everyone in the room. Your eyes settled on Eobard. There was a mix of pain, doubled with love. It was so raw. Far different from any of the looks you'd ever seen him wear.


You didn't get the word out, because in seconds you were in his arms, and he was kissing you as if he hadn't seen you for centuries. His face held clear pain, and when you felt the tears running down his cheek and unto yours, it became clear that whatever happened must have been devastating. So you returned the kiss, pushing every ounce of love into it as possible.

Eli stood upright, smiling at the sight.

So were the rest of Team Flash. For a while, they couldn't feel anything but relief, and happiness.

That changed to embarrassment when Eobard sped over to a table. You were a bit startled when he pressed your hands to the table, keeping your back tightly pressed to his front. When his free hand started traveling under your shirt your cheeks burned red.

"E-Eobard we're in t-the cort- Ah!" You moaned when he nibbled on your ear and suddenly everyone wanted to be anywhere but there.

"D-Dad stop, I'm standing right here!!" Eli complained. Barry looked away, and Harry's frown deepened as he raised the gun.

"He's attacking her. Do you want me to shoot him?" He asked casually.

"What no! He just saved our lives!!" Barry argued. It became very clear that nothing was going to stop Eobard. He was a force of nature when he set his mind to something.

"W-We'll be around if you need us. Let's go." Barry began ushering everyone out of the room.

"Y-You're just going to leave me here!!" You protest. He was actively leaving kisses down your neck. You bite your lip, trying to stifle anymore embarrassing sounds.

"It's good to have you back!!" Barry called.

They were gone.

Now it was just the both of you.

"E-Eobard w-we can't do this here.." Your brows knitted in pleasure when he groped your chest. As much resistance as you were putting up. You weren't really stopping his advances.

"I love you."

It was whispered against your skin. You could barely believe that he'd said it.

"I love you. I'm never going to let anything happen to you again." He pulled back slowly, and when you turned, you could see it. The despair in his eyes. You had no recollection of what happened, but it could not have been good to get such an expression from someone who was said to have no heart.

Looking at him, all you can see is love. All you can feel is his love.

When you reach for him, it's just as desperate. You kiss him, and Eobard has no problem returning it. You grip his collar, and just like that, you're on the other side of the room, pressing him against the wall. He lets out a pleased sound. You can hear the papers flapping around in the background, but it's not exactly your biggest concern.

You're tugging at his clothes, and he grins against your lips. Your lips only part for him to pull his shirt over his head. Just like that you're back on each other. Your fingers glide over the exposed skin, and you appreciate the warmth of his body. He still has his pants on, and when you retract to catch your breath, you can see his boxers peeking out from beneath his dark jeans. You're still admiring his body. There's no doubt that your face is lit up like a Christmas tree. Heart racing. You can just imagine all the things you want to do.

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