Chapter 18

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"What do you mean it's up to me?" 

Eobard is baffled.

Explaining your theory to them is easy, but for your partner, well it wasn't as easy. You were trying not to be too blunt, but maybe that's how you needed to lay it out.

"Okay, follow what I'm saying very carefully. Eli didn't run here. He is a speedster, but he was transported here against his will. From what I gathered, it's just like when you came here. Long story short, in the future you're sort of a dick to him, so I think his purpose for being here is so that you can fix that. You get me." Eobard frowns.

"You want me to babysit some kid that claims he's our offspring. You guys really are gullible. No wonder the bad guys always best you."

"Hey for your information we always win in the end!" Cisco defends. He becomes quiet at your look.

"He's our son Eobard."

"If you believe every lunatic that runs in here with a half-cocked story then you really are naive. Don't let your soft nature be the reason you get hurt (Y/N). I'm sure you're not that stupid." Eli's jaw clenched.

"Don't talk to my mother that way!"

He looks pissed, and Eobard doesn't step down.

"You really think you can take me kid?"

"I have no issues beating the crap out of an old man." He retorts. Both males look angry now, and your shoulders sag. 

This is going in the opposite direction.

"Please don't fight." You place a hand on Eli's shoulder, and when he looks at you, all that defiance seems to melt away. He looks down defeatedly. You know he just wants to mend things, but with Eobard's personality, logic is sometimes not very easy.

"Listen, I don't want to fight you. I know you don't trust me. But I'd never do anything to put my family in danger. Even though you can be a grade A asshole sometimes dad."

"Oh! Language!" Eli chuckles.

"Sorry. Even though you're hard to get along with sometimes."  He looks over.

"I still love you." 

Eobard is silent.

"I know the reason you've always been scared is because of your past. When I was growing up mom told me stories. I thought that was all they were, but I heard grandpa West and uncle Barry talking about it one time. They were saying how much you'd changed. How proud they all were." The information catches you by surprise.

"You're tough because you're terrified one day I might accidentally go back and see a monster, or worse yet, become like you. That rage that you used to have, I've got the same thing. I was born with it. Inherited it. I guess as the years went by the colder you got, and the more hurt I felt, the easier it was for me to be angry than accept the fact that there was a part of you that just didn't love me." 

The hurt is now impossible to hide, and you want to comfort him, but right now, you're not the one he needs comfort from.

"So I get it dad I do. But you're not that person, and I'm not going to wait around forever for you to start acting like a father." His words hurt, and you can tell they're getting through to Eobard.

From Eobard's expression you know he's lost. He doesn't know what it means to be a parent. He was still working on himself. He takes a step forward, holding out his hand, and Eli looks down.

"I can't make any promises for myself in the future. But..I'll do my best."

You know he's trying.

"I can work with that." He takes his hand, giving a firm shake.

Eli smiles now, and so does Eobard to your surprise. It's crazy how alike they look now that they're smiling. You can't help it, this moment is too precious. You rush in hugging them both and Eli starts laughing.

"Mom, this is supposed to be our moment."

"I know I'm sorry I just really need to hug you two right now."

Eobard offers no complaints.

Maybe he could have a future after all. Despite his many mistakes. There in a small circle, it all just feels right.

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