Chapter 8

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"Nice of you to let me out."

Eobard looks at all the cautious expressions of the people in the room. His eyes stop on Cisco with a grin, and the engineer swallows.

"See! You guys see that right?!"

Harry moves in front of Cisco protectively, and Eobard just hums.

"I was just trying to get reacquainted. " He remarks. 

Unconsciously, he starts looking for you. You come strutting from behind with a coffee for everyone.

"Hey Cisco I got the scones you really like." 

When you look up, you make out the male that's standing in the Cortex. You pause, because when he looks your way, it adds a significant increase to your heart.

"I was trying to explain all the rules to him." Barry says.

The cuffs are still on Eobard's wrist. Caitlin has altered them, a thin band on each wrist just for good measure. Barry stays close to him. Everyone else is just watching. You know that this would be the usual until they got used to him being around.

"E-Eobard hi." You cringe. That sounds terribly unsteady. He approaches, and Barry wants to react, but he stops himself. Eobard stops when he is right in front of you. You're doing your best not to show too much, or drop the drinks you'd just bought.

"Why the sudden change of heart, you're all acting awfully suspicious. A few days ago you wanted to lock me up and throw me away. Now you're trying to make this work. What are you hiding?" 

His scrutinizing gaze is now solely on you.

"W-We just want to help. That's all."

"You're a terrible liar." You curse internally.

He raises a hand, and Barry moves to intercept, but Joe grabs his hand, shaking his head. Eobard turns his palm, brushing it against your cheek. You aren't sure why, but your entire body relaxes.

"Why am I attracted to you?"

His statement catches everyone by surprise. Even himself. His brows knit, and he steps away from you. He suddenly looks enraged.

"Take me back."

"But you-"

"Take me back!!" He demands.


Barry says. He speeds off, and you release your breath.

"That..could have gone worse." Cisco inputs.

They were all pretty much thinking the same.


You figure Eobard needs some time to sort through all that's going on. The only time you go to check on him is to leave him something to eat. But when you open the shield to view him through the glass, you're shocked at the blond hair that seems to be slowly making an appearance.

"I'm sure you realize now, I'm turning back. "

He seems a bit indifferent. You know he cares very little for his appearance. Before it had just been a means to manipulate and control the ones needed to execute his plan. You lower, taking a seat. He's on the other side, and he just watches.

"I know this is confusing, and I'd be lying if I said what's happening isn't scaring me. But I think the only way for us to save you is for you to become better than you are in the future."

"How did you come about to that conclusion?"

"Call it intuition."

You don't think he'd handle the truth that well, seeing as he was so put off by his attraction to you. Or maybe for any other being in his case. You wonder if there was a time where he was normal like every other person. Had a regular job, friends, maybe even a relationship.

"I know you're afraid of me."

You refocus. His head is leaned on the wall, and he looks a bit defeated. He's been trapped in this place for a while. You guess it was only a matter of time before he lowered that confident facade he wore that feigned control. This time, maybe just words weren't going to work. You place the food down, kneeling as you press your hands to the glass. You phase right through, and he straightens a little, backing up on the wall.


You're not expecting such a reaction, but then it hits you. All this talk about fear. It's clear what's going on.

"You're the one who's afraid." He takes in a heavy breath, moving against the wall, away from you. It's strange seeing him this guarded.

"You don't understand how you feel, and that scares you. "

Moving closer, you're the one who has the upper hand this time. You don't touch him, and he seems to be careful to avoid the same.

"Do I scare you Eobard." He grits his teeth.

"Don't test me."

"You're not gonna hurt me." 

His threats suddenly have no effect. Now that you can read him, there isn't a whole lot to be scared of.

"You really think that. You aren't the first, and you won't be the last." He seems to be regaining a bit of his composure. You jolt when he suddenly presses you to the wall. His eyes look dangerous, but you can see through it. See through him.

"Try me."

His words are laced with venom, yet you hear no warning. Your eyes flicker to his lips, and the second he sees, he lets out an unsteady breath.

"Are you...really this stupid?"

He didn't like this. 

Why was he letting you toy with him like this? You were the enemy. He should have been thinking about eradicating you. Yet all he could process was how good it would feel to kiss you. How warm and soft your skin would feel under his fingertips. What sounds you would make if he were to touch you. Why were such thoughts flooding his mind. He'd never once had this problem. From the moment he saw you, something changed. He could feel it, hell he could see it with his changing body.

"Let me kiss you." It was an order, and your pulse races.

You can't form the words.

"Please..please I need to.."

He's begging, and it's like fire. You grab him by his collar, pressing your lips to him urgently. He groans in satisfaction, hands on the wall as he leans into your body. You grip at his clothing, fingers digging into his shirt. You were glad he's gotten out of that yellow suit, because you could feel a whole lot more of him like this. It's incredible. 

You were craving this just like he was, if not more. He paws at your body, with each desperate kiss, and you're not any better. Your fingers slide into his hair, pulling tugging. He releases a deep throaty sound, one that makes your entire body react. His tongue slips through, and you gasp, pulling back. You regain some of your sense, panting. Eobard is heaving just as badly as you are.

"What's wrong.." He huffs out.

"I-I've never..kissed like that before.."

For a moment he thinks you're joking, but the redness of your cheeks prove your words.

He pins your wrist, and you shiver when he starts leaving kisses on your neck.


Your tone is shaky.

"No one has ever marked you like this."

You're about to reply, but he nips at your shoulder and you lose your words. His tongue darts out, and he soothes the bruise. Your little whimpers and moans are like fuel to him. You're surprised your knees haven't buckled.

"I want you. I need you."

Each word is like a shock to your body. It appears that the effects of your attraction were now kicking in. It's possible that the pull is much stronger because you're both speedsters. You can't find it in yourself to resist him. This all feels too good. So for now, you indulge in all his sinful kisses.

No one has to know. 

Eobard Thawne Fanfiction (Flash)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz