Chapter 13

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Giggling, you lean back on his chest, enjoying the warm water as you soaked in the bathtub.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of moments like this." You hum. 

"Neither will I. Though I think there's something behind your ear."


You reach your hand to check, but he leaves a kiss there and you smile.

"I think there's something on my neck too." You hum. He smiles into your skin, moving down lower.

"There's something between here too.." You whisper. He nips at your ear, hand moving between your legs as you sigh.


"Right there.."

Facing Eobard that morning feels like a challenge. Those little visions are coming fast and furious.

Somehow you get all the explicit ones too.


You couldn't think straight. Walking into Star Labs, you keep your eyes on your phone.


Iris's call has you turning. 

"Oh hey good morning." Caitlin is walking with her, and they both look suspiciously happy.

You squint. 

"What are you guys up to?"

"Nothing, we've just been wondering how things are going with you and he who shall not be named."

"I didn't realize he was voldemort." You snicker. You take a seat, and they join.

"I know this must be a little weird. Trust me. Never thought we'd be hosting Eobard, much less trying to make him good. But how have you been? Are you okay?" 

There's a lot of concern, and you smile.

"I'm okay Iris, I do think that he's changing. I really do care about him."

"I can tell." Caitlin offers a smile.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who gets worked up."

 It's natural. Eobard is a bit older than you are. Plus he has years of experience. You were still pretty much a kid when it came to relationships and what not.

"Why not switch it up then?"

"Switch it up?"

Iris smiles deviously.

Why does it feel like this would be something crazy.


Eobard's eyes are fixated on the screens, and he only looks up when he feels the stares. All three males present look in a different direction and he sighs. This was getting a bit annoying. Iris casually walks in with a grin. 

She moves to Barry's side, leaving a kiss on his cheek. Harry and Cisco pretend to go back to work, but they are still marking Eobard every once in a while. You come walking in, and Eobard looks up. You'd rushed out of the apartment this morning, so he hadn't seen much of you all day.

When you're in the entrance of the cortex, you point at Eobard.

"Y-You're under arrest!"

He pauses, removing his glasses.

"Excuse me?"

"I-I said you're under arrest. F-For being s-so damn handsome!"

Your cheeks are as red as a tomato. Iris giggles from her spot, phone propped on the table. She'd gotten the entire thing. It's so quiet now that you can hear a pin drop. No one says a word for what seems like forever. 

But then Eobard starts laughing. It's not maniacal. It's a heavy joy filled laughter. One you never thought would leave his perfectly kissable lips. Your hand lowers, and he sends you a smile that makes you feel like melting on the spot. Barry and the others are still standing there awkwardly.

"I'm just gonna say it, this is weird." Cisco voices. You're every form of embarrassed, and Iris sends you a thumbs up.

"I can't believe I actually said that."

Maybe taking advice from Iris about your love life wasn't the wisest. 

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