Chapter 11

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It was a bit of a shock to everyone that his appearance just changed overnight.

Caitlin is doing a survey to ensure everything is functioning correctly. You take notice of the cautious way she moves around him. You can't exactly blame her.

"Everything seems to be fine." 

She says softly. Making her notes, she steps away from him. Eobard rolls his shoulder, pulling on his jacket.

"So what is on the agenda today. More villains to catch."

Cisco holds back a laugh, sipping at his tea.

"I think you had enough action yesterday. Don't leave Star Labs." From Barry's tone, it isn't a request.

"Don't get cocky." Eobard taunts. Barry looks like he's about to react, and you step between them, glaring at Eobard.

"Why are you trying to pick a fight?" 

He looks down at you, and there's that irritated look again. After you left the room, he'd been acting especially moody, and you aren't sure why. It makes you a bit concerned.

"Eobard, Is something wrong with you?" You reach for him, but he speeds backward, out of your reach.

"I'm not some puppet. I agreed to comply, nothing more." He runs out, and your eyes grow wide. Barry chases after him, and now everyone is in a panic.


You call out to him, because this feels so sudden. You'd been so sure that he was changing. Caitlin rushes to track their whereabouts. They're just running around the city.

"Barry take a right, you can cut him off at the bridge." So he does, and you follow, leaving Caitlin and Cisco in the cortex.

Speeding through the streets, you feel a sense of dread. When you catch sight of Barry, you follow eagerly. He makes an abrupt stop, and so do you. Eobard is standing on the other side of the bridge.


Barry's voice is filled with rage.

"Still too slow Flash." 

Eobard is right in front of him in a matter of seconds, and he throws a punch, Barry retaliates, throwing his own. You feel a bit frozen. Their hits go back and forth, and the pain in your chest is so much stronger now.

"Please stop.."

You take a step forward, and you feel like crying, but you bite your lip. Once again you're on the sidelines. Watching this unfold. Once again you're useless in the face of a dangerous situation.

"Why are you doing this!" You scream.

Eobard halts his attacks, standing at a distance. Barry pauses, fist still clenched.

"The only reason you did this is because of some vision of the future. You played me."

You can't offer any denial.

"How did you.."

"This body, when I returned, I started getting those visions. The same ones you must have been getting for weeks. Yet you said nothing."

He has a right to be angry. You know that. You should have been honest from the start. But you wanted to help him, so you convinced yourself you were protecting him. But you were selfishly protecting yourself.

"Were you trying to make a point? Betrayal is a cycle. Well I hope you realize I got the message. I'm a monster. That won't change. I'll become the monster I've always been destined to be. Death is the only end, I've already accepted that."

He looks like he's about to run off and do who knows what. Possibly disappear from your life.


You bolt over, grabbing his arm. He looks astonished that you'd even made a move.

"You're not a monster."

Not anymore.

You're crying, it's impossible to hold back now. Just the thought of him leaving has a pit forming in his stomach.

"It isn't fair." 

He thinks.

You know he won't be able to stay resolute when you look at him like that.

"I know I lied, but my feelings aren't some product of a vision. Maybe it did start out that way but I.." You sob.

"I do care about you Eobard. I think you can be good if you try hard enough, y-you don't have to be a monster. You can change."

He wants to believe it, more than anything.

"Do you love me?"

At this point, everyone else can just listen. Barry has to say that he wonders the same. From the beginning, you were more open to him than any of them. He told himself it was because you hadn't been exposed to him the way they were. But that wasn't truly it. He could see it now, every time you looked at him, defended him.

"I do."

There was no hesitation, or doubt.

Eobard turns to you.

"Tell me."

"I love you! Eobard I love you!!" Your eyes are shut as you scream it. You need to get it out.

"I love you so please don't-" He pulls you into his chest. Your eyes open, and you're a bit stunned.

"If you can love someone like me, then I suppose it's possible for me to become something better."

Your shoulders shake a bit, and you hold unto him. 

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