Chapter 21

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No one really knew how to mourn this situation. They didn't even have a body to hold an actual funeral.

It had been exactly two weeks.

Everything just felt stagnant and numb. Like if he closed his eyes long enough, then maybe you would appear right in front of him.

Barry couldn't help but feel responsible. He'd brought you into this world. You'd been so willing to fight crime when you first came. It sort of reminded him of himself when he started out.

But now it was different.

The surprising part of it all was Eobard's reaction. When Eli attacked, they understood. After all, you were his mother.

Eobard had given up. He'd retreated to the pipeline. Opened the door and just walked into one of the cells. No words were exchanged. They weren't really sure what to do. How to act. Barry stopped by the pipeline one evening after they'd stopped a bank robbery.

"I brought you a big belly burger."

It was a wonder he was still eating.

"I understand." Eobard's words confused Barry.

"In the past I had nothing to lose. All I had was the legacy that I was trying to create, then you took that all away from me. I was angry. I hated you with everything in my body. I thought if I destroyed everything you cared about I would finally feel fulfilled. But now I know what it's like to truly lose everything."

Barry used to hope that Eobard would experience the pain that he'd gone through. After all he'd done, it was warranted.

Yet, looking at Eobard so defeated did not bring the peace he thought he would receive. It seems neither of them got the outcome that they had hoped for.

Barry opened the cell, placing the paper bag down. His intention was to sit there and talk. Maybe figure out what the next step was. Eobard couldn't live in the pipeline forever.

The blaring sound of the alarm in Star Labs startled Barry out of his thoughts. He sent Eobard one last look before he sped away to deal with the issue that was now presenting itself.

Barry stood in the cortex, and the blurry sight of the yellow suit speedster had him on edge. When the body stopped vibrating, he removed his mask. Harry lifted his gun. Caitlin and Cisco stood on guard.

"It's a pleasure to see Team Flash, and my handsome counterpart of course."

The speedster did a bow, and Barry gritted his teeth. Finally Eobard's words made sense. This version of him was wearing the face of Harrison Wells.

"Where's my more somber part? I thought after offing his little distraction he'd been itching to kill all of you." Eowells taunted.

The mention of your death triggered a negative response. Barry pushed forward swinging a punch that Eowells expertly avoided. He fired back with an attack of his own which knocked Barry halfway across the room. Caitlin raced to his side, and both Cisco and Harry took aim. But neither attacks landed. They were on their backs in record time.

"Pity, I was expecting a better fight. You're still too weak Barry."

He glared, picking himself off the ground just as Eobard walked out. Now standing in the cortex, they all seem to stop.

It was weird watching the both of them in the same room at the same time.

Eobard wasn't wearing a suit, or the ring. Didn't see the need for it.

"You must be from the past." Eobard stated, looking at the dark haired male. His counterpart merely grinned.

"I came here to help you get revenge. You know us Thawnes. We always have a contingency plan. From the second my speed started glitching I knew it would be bad. So I had a backup just in case you.." He stopped himself with a wide smirk.

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