Strong Pains

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As, the fighting started to end. Violet told Tyrion, she is not feeling well her head is bothering her. Tyrion walked Violet back to the bedchamber. He got her a cold rag and put it on her forehead.

Tyrion covered her up, he laid with her while he massaged her head till she fell asleep. Once she fell asleep he gave her a kiss on the lips and said he will be back.

He headed back to the Fighting Pits. He sat back down in his chair. Daenerys noticed that he began to cry, trying to hide it. She walked over and said "How is Violet?""She is very sick, I don't want to lose her and our unborn child."he said.

Daenerys said" I wonder if it is the dry weather?"Tyrion said yes it is.

Daenerys asked Violet if she would like to be Tyrion's assistant and she said of course. Dany also said she will sit on the counsel with him.

Tyrion held Violet all night reading to her about the history of the families and dragons. "I love you, Tyrion." said Violet. Tyrion said "I love you and our child more than anything in this world, now please go to sleep for our baby's sake, he needs you to rest. Good Night My Love." as he gave Tyrion a kiss on her lips and kissed her belly.

Tyrion proceed to read a little more longer, then he blew out the candle and held Violet in his arms all night. He kept dreaming of what their life could have been in Westeros and in Casterly Rock.

He dreamt of his brother Jamie being an uncle and his sister Cersei being his wife. He dreamt how he shouldn't of killed his father Tywin, he had too. As, He was dreaming all he kept saying in his sleep is "Violet Lannister, meet your Sister-in-law , brother-in-law, and father-in-law. I love you so much and I love our son too."

Story continues.......

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