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Tyrion, sat in a room with Violet's motionless body. He kept weeping and praying to the Gods to bring her back. Daenerys walked into the room and offered her doctor to help Violet. Tyrion told Daenerys thank you, please bring her back to me. Tyrion walked out of the room so he could talk with Daenerys.

He asked Daenerys if he may be her advisor to take the Iron Throne? She said yes. Tyrion heard a scream coming from the room which Violet lays. He opened the door and saw Violet screaming and the doctor trying to stop her from leaving.

Tyrion ran over to Violet and was able to calm Violet down. All Violet kept repeating was the Rape. Tyrion told her no one is going to harm you here. You are safe. We will be married in the morning.

She told Tyrion please don't leave me alone. Stay with me. Tyrion said he needed to discuss somethings with Daenerys then he will be right back, he promised.

Violet began crying this bothered Tyrion, so he left the room and told the guards outside her door not to let anyone in except him or Daenerys.

Tyrion met with Daenerys to explain why Violet kept repeadly said rape. He said to her Violet has been through alot. She believes every man wants to rape her as she has been raped by many men in the past and she can not get over it.

Daenerys offered help for Violet, she will find someone who can get rid of those bad memories so that she and Tyrion can have a happy life together. Daenerys said there will be guards with her at all times even when she is with Tyrion.

Tyrion said him and Violet have not married yet and we would like to marry her in the morning. Daenerys agreed that they can get married in the morning. Daenerys asked if there will be a bedding ceremony and he said no. We will consummate our marriage once her bad memories are gone.

Daenerys agreed and offered to become Violet's friend and help her.

Story continues.........

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