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As Tyrion and Violet woke up. Tyrion turned to Violet saying "Good Morning My Love." He had a huge smile, in his pocket he found a beautiful peacock and lion gold ring with purple, blue, and red gems on it. He then proceeded to ask Violet "Will you do the honor of becoming my wife?."

Speechless, Violet accepted with no hesitation. Tyrion vowed he will never hurt or stray from her.

Violet was excited, she then asked why is he in Meereen? He replied I am here seeking Daenerys Targaryen. Violet then reacted as though he wanted Daenerys and not her. I only want to offer my services to her so she can take the Iron Throne back.

Violet stormed out and started crying, she ran for the beautiful flowery hills. As she was running she heard something making a flapping sound. She looked up and screamed in terror it was one of Daenerys' lost dragon, Drogon. As, Violet started running back for the house, she realized she had the power to stop him.

She quickly turned around and started using her powerful magic. Drogon began to breathe fire closer to her.
Meanwhile in the house Tyrion heard a terrifying scream, it was Violet screaming.
Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Daenerys. He yelled at her "GET YOUR DAMN DRAGON OFF MY WIFE."
As Daenerys and Tyrion were talking Violet used a spell to stop his fire but her magic was not strong enough she started becoming very weak and started collapsing. Tyrion ran over and caught Violet. Daenerys was able to stop Drogon.

Daenerys offered her services to Tyrion and Violet. Violet laid motionless in Tyrion's arms. He began crying. He asked Daenerys please help my wife that is all I ask.
Daenerys agreed and she had her men carry her to the Pyramid where Daenerys can help Violet.

Story continues on.......

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