S2 Finale: K.I.T. B.F.F.

Start from the beginning

Church: What?

Tucker: I'm just saying it doesn't look much like a circle, it looks more like we're forming a triangle. It's just a side-note.

Church: Okay fine, triangle of confusion. Rhombus of terror, parabola of mystery, WHO CARES!? Get the God damn show on the road!

Tucker: Alright alright, sorry. Initiating primary commencement phase.

Donut: What're they talking about?

Caboose: Quiet Commander Pop'n'Fresh. I think they're talking about your golden flakey crust.

Cut to behind the reds, with Tucker at the top of the hill.

Tucker: Hello everyone! We're here to surrender! At this time, we would like to ask for one representative\prisoner from each group to cross sides.

Grif: Hey, I think I see Lopez over there!

Lopez: López el Pesado ya no toma órdenes de su especie. [Lopez the Heavy takes orders from your kind no more.]

Grif: Yep, it's him.

Sheila: Tell him big daddy.

Tucker: Okay, get going pinky.

Donut starts crossing back to the reds.

Caboose: Goodbye, Major Cinnamon Bun! I will always remember your buttery goodness! ...Who was that guy?

Simmons: Look, they're releasing Donut.

Sarge: Go on, Francis Ex, front 'n' center.

Lopez: ¡Un robot! ¡Quieren convertir los nuestros contra nosotros![A robot! They wish to turn our own kind against us!]

Tucker: Um, Church? Do you think maybe in hindsight it was a bad idea for us to put Lopez around a bunch of robots?

Church: Just stick to the plan, Tucker. Get the first robot over there, I'll draw Lopez's fire, come on!

Lopez arrives between Donut and Francisco Montegue Zanzibar.

Lopez: ¡No os mováis, traidor! [Don't move, traitor!]

Sarge: What does it- it's a double cross! Donut, Frankie Zane, get back here!

Tucker: (aiming at Lopez) No! Stay where you are! Do not go back!

Simmons: Now the blues are aiming at each other? What the hell's going on?

Sarge: We've been outmaneuvered, men! Take cover. I'm calling in an air strike.

Loud radio noises.

Tucker: OW, MOTHER- what the hell is that noise?

Sarge: Yeh, Red Command, come in! This is Blood Gulch Outpost Number One! Do you read me?

Vic: Hello, hello, who's there. Come in, is that you Private Rayner? Hello.

Sarge: Private who? No, Vic, this is Sarge, from Blood Gulch Outpost Number One.

Vic: Oh, hey there Sarge, long time no see, sorry 'bout that I uh, anyway what can we do here for you at Red Command today?

Sarge: I'm up to my haunches in hyenas here, Vic. I need an airstrike, and I need it on the pronto!

Vic: Can do Sarge, I will send an airstrike to target the blue forces now. Course I'll need you to fax in the airstrike requisition form.

Sarge: But I can't! I had to use spare parts from our fax machine to build Simmons Two Point O.

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