Andrew Garfield x Reader x Tom Holland - 37

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You were sitting on your bed when Tom and Andrew walked in, "hey guys" you said as they sat on your bed and cuddled up to you "long day?" You asked "yeah felt like everything went wrong today" Andrew said cuddling further into your neck while Tom nodded and done the same.

"Aww it's gonna be okay darlings" you said playing with their hair, they both made noise when you started playing with their hair they were both clearly enjoying it.

"How about we have a little fun before we go to sleep?" You ask them "what do you mean?" They both say in unison "I know how much you love watching porn so why don't we watch some together?" They both look at each other and nod "yes please" Andrew says while Tom nods his head.

"What kind of porn do you want to watch?" You ask them "anything really just whatever turns you on" they both say back to you, you smile, stand up, walk over to your laptop and turn it on "okay let's see what I can find" you say as you sit down next to them and start typing.

"Oh god this is going to be good" you think to yourself, Tom and Andrew are sitting on the bed now naked, while you type away on your computer, "this one looks good" you say looking at the screen as you press play on the video and start undressing. You hear Tom and Andrew moan as they watch the video and jerk off, you then turn to Andrew and take over for him, he moans loud when you start touching him.

"Hey! No fair why does he get attention and I don't" Tom whined "okay, okay" you said and took over for him as well they both moaned at first they were watching the porn but it had been long forgotten by now.

"Oh god" Tom moaned out "you're so hot" Andrew said touching you in any place he could, you then took Tom in your mouth, Tom moaned so loud you were concerned that your neighbours were going to call the cops, while Andrew felt left out and started to finger you, you moaned around Tom which just made Tom moan louder.

"Fuck me Andrew" you said, you heard Andrew moan from behind you but he quickly complied and started fucking you "I'm close Andrew" you moaned out around Tom, "me too" Tom moaned out "lets cum together" you said and they both agreed "yes" they both moaned in unison. You feel Andrew cum inside you, and then Tom follows soon after.

You collapse onto the bed exhausted. "That was amazing" you say while you recover. "Yes it was" Tom said as he snuggles into you "goodnight darlings" you say and you both fall asleep in each others arms.

A/n - Honestly I had such bad writers block for this one so this is the best I could come up with, this was requested by Millaida20, I hope you like this.

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