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A strange sound came from a locked drawer. My second mobile was buzzing. It made life easier to move basic stuff into Daphne's flat after we'd been going steady for a month. I carefully unwrapped my arms from her shoulders as I didn't want her to get wind of that. She had had trouble sleeping ever since we lay in bed. I unlocked the drawer, got hold of the cellular, and accepted the call.

"Dionysis," I whispered, as I stepped out of the room.

"I sent you the information on today's murder the way we agreed," he informed me. "Do me a favour: reason with your buddy or he'll be in hot water soon! The lunatic's hellbent on wiping out whoever treads on his toes," he advised.

"I'll keep an eye on him," I obeyed.

"The same holds for you, Amanatides," he pointed out. "This is a dark and muddy case. I've never seen anything like that before."

"Don't worry. I know how to watch my back, Dionysis. I wasn't born yesterday," I reassured him. "I'll have information for you until tomorrow."

I put on a grey sweater, my jeans, and a pair of sneakers. I stuck my 9mm Glock in my leather jacket inside pocket: my eternal guardian angel whenever I visited the seamiest places in Athens. My allies in the underworld weren't enough.

I bent over Daphne. I kissed her hair, as I tucked her in under the duvet. She murmured in her sleep and, with her eyes closed, she hugged my pillow. I smiled at the thought that I made her feel secure. I picked up everything I needed off the bedside table, walked out of the room, and texted my ingenious hacker on my way to the front door.

The only thing I could hear when I got to the hill was the sound of the crickets and the cicadas. In the moonlight, I could see some creepy shadows across the trampled dry leaves. That smell of abandonment mixed with the various scents wafting in the air turned my stomach. Broken syringes and condoms were scattered all over the place. That was a favourite haunt of illicit couples, crossdressers, escorts, and drug addicts.

"Mission accomplished!" said Celia, handing me the envelope, along with a memory stick. "You'll find the guest list in the envelope. The Amarousion Club is the link. It's got everything in there. I've singled out the targets you have to focus on in a separate file," she guided me.

"I'll study it together with what Dionysis gave me, and I'll get back to you."

"I'll be waiting." She carefully looked right and left. "See you." Then, she disappeared in the darkness.

I unlocked the door of my flat. I hurled Celia's envelope onto the couch, and got hold of my cellular. I had to see Elias straight away. It was late, but there were no working hours for us. We worked around the clock.

"Yeah," he answered with a yawn.

"Pick up your stuff and come over to my place now," I demanded.

I sat on the couch, holding the new findings. The guest list was endless.

"Are you in your right mind?" he groaned. "It's two in the morning."

"Come on, Elias! Bring your research findings as well," I commanded curtly. I hung up and tossed the phone across the table.

I put my hand on my forehead pensively. I compared the names on the list with the victims. They were all eminent members of the Amarousion Club. How did that relate to the murderer, though? What did they have in common? They all came from well-off families. That's all I could glean from the list: there were mutual friends and acquaintances enjoying high life in the posh Athenian suburbs. I left the piece of paper on the table, and held my tilting head. I nervously stroked my neck, trying to understand. The doorbell rang that very moment. I answered the door. Bleary-eyed Elias came in, holding the envelopes.

Bleeding Expection by Ada Andrews  | #TheWattys2023Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt