Chapter 13

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This chapter may contain self-harm in the last part, you can skip it if you aren't comfortable

Author's POV

Gemini had just finished going over some documents in his office when Mark entered the space without even knocking on the door.

He inquired in a hurry, "Have you seen the news?" "Which news." Gemini queried

He started looking for the TV remote, turned it on, and went to the list of news stations.


"Mrs. Lily was appointed the new CEO of the Nattawat corporation and the leader of the Red Hunter clan. After overseeing it for nearly five years, Mr. Fourth Nattawat gave her the empire. He stated that he needs to go away from the corporate sector."

"What the Fuck is this?" Gemini yelled, "I don't have any idea as well Gemini." Mark stated, They heard a knock on the door, and Ford appeared.

"What's all this, Ford?"Gemini said.

"I found out about this just now as well, Gemini. I went to the mansion early in the morning to pick up Fourth, but I didn't find him in his room and all his belongings weren't there either so I asked his aunt, and she told me that Fourth is gone and she doesn't know where he went. She said that I don't need to come here now because she is the CEO and she has her own secretary, and she told me that Fourth transferred everything in her name and then showed the papers as well. I tried to call Fourth but it's unreachable, he just disappeared without telling us anything." Ford stated

When he heard another tap on the door, Gemini let out a disappointed sigh, "Sir Mrs.Lily is here, she wants to talk to you." According to Gemini's secretary.

"Send her in." Lily entered the room and sat in one of the chairs.

"What's going on, Mrs Lily, where is Fourth?" he inquired.

 "He simply stated, Mr. Norawit, that he wants to go away from this and he wants me to take care of the business here. I don't know when he will return so I must take care of it now. Btw, I came here to inform you that I want to break the contract of the shipments from the Russian Mafia and I will pay you the compensation amount." Gemini nodded carelessly.

"Then I'll leave, send you the new contract, and pay you the compensation. Thank you, and have a nice day," she said as she walked away.

"Where do I find you now Baby, Where are you?" Gemini thought

Time skip - After Two Years

(Somewhere on the outskirts of Canada)

A man in his early thirties was wrapped up inside his blanket on his bed, cradling a photo frame close to his chest. His cheeks are stained with tears. He's gotten quite slim in the last two years, and he was wearing an enormous hoodie. It wasn't precisely large, but he lost weight, so it seemed that way. He awoke at 7 a.m. to the sound of his alarm. "Good morning, Love," he said, smiling at the photo frame. "I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself, na." He kissed the handsome man in the photograph.

Yes, it was Fourth, and he continued staring fondly at their photo, which he kept on his bedside table. He lived on the fringes of Canada in a little region called Banff, where he worked as a barista at a café. It was a popular tourist destination, particularly Known as Banff National Park.

He showered and prepared breakfast for himself. Prom moved to downtown Canada with his fiancée over a year ago, so he was officially living alone; he didn't want to keep the kid to himself; he wanted him to experience and grow more. Prom came to see him every month with his girlfriend, Jennie, who was also from Thailand and the same age as him, so they hit it off right away.

He ate his breakfast and proceeded to work in the café, where he learned how to make various varieties of coffee and sweets. The café holders were quite nice to him; they were a couple with a 7-year-old child. He didn't want to become close to anyone there at first, but they gradually broke down his defenses and became like family to him.

His daily routine consisted of getting up to do his morning chores, going to the cafe at 11:00 a.m., and returning at nearly 8:00 p.m. He sometimes cooked dinner or the couple insisted on him eating with them, so he enjoyed the dinner with them and their little munchkin, She was a beautiful girl who always brought a smile to Fourth's face.

He often returns home feeling discouraged since no one was waiting for him. Every time he returned, he would occasionally weep himself to sleep while holding Gemini's picture and would occasionally spend hours talking to the picture. He yearned to be in Gemini's arms once more, but he was aware that he couldn't because he had abruptly vanished from Thailand and never made an attempt to get in touch with anyone there.

He occasionally wounded himself out of remorse about not being able to provide justice for his parents, as was the case today when he was holding a razor blade in front of his bathroom sink and staring at himself in the mirror.

One portion of his thoughts stated, "You are such a loser Fourth, you were not able to complete your love story, you were not able to provide justice to your parents, and you are just alone here, no one is there with you." He used the razor-sharp blade to gash his hand once, but he was numb to the agony at the time.

He cleaned the blade and stored it in one of the cabinets; he didn't do it all the time, but he did it when he felt guilty, which creeped him out. He saw the scars on his hands, both old and fresh, and cleansed them before wrapping the bandage. He put on his hoodie and sweatpants, exited the restroom, and curled up against his bed, warm tears streaming from his eyes. He broke down for the nth time, taking the frame off the bedside table and squeezing it close to his chest, "I Love You Gem," he sobbed, "I miss you a lot." He fell asleep after a lengthy period of sobbing.

To be continued

Hey guys it's been a long time hope you all like this chapter
Drop down you votes and comments and thank you for reading na😇

Love, Ash❤️

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